World Cup

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Campioni del Mondo

4 times Campioni del Mondo

Technical comments later, now I need to run all the work related tasks because I will not have fuel for a full day...

PS: Adler, what doping scandal? The Italian scandal is an ugly affair with local referees for the local major league, I never heard about doping and there are no players directy involved. The only doping scandal I heard recently is about bike racers at Tour de France.
It was all over the Eurosport news a few days ago, but then you never heard anything else about it.

I kind of think this is a full circle though. In 1990 the World Cup was in Italy and Germany won it, in 2006 the World Cup was in Germany and Italy won it....

Anyhow all I have to say is this:

54, 74, 90....2010 Wir Werden Weltmeister sein!
The only doping affair reported in the press was the 'operation puerto' started in Spain, that brought the exclusion of Ivan Basso, Jan Ullrich and Mancebo from the tour. There were rumours of soccer players involved as declared by the Spanish doctor accused (but is not clear if only in Spain or in other Countries too), but the Spanish federation officially excluded that any soccer player was involved.
Moreover all the antidoping test run in Germany before and during the tournement were negative (official data), so it seems likely that for once the news about doping in football were wrong (doping with steroids does not disappear after one day).
Unless they will find something about yesterday's match, since I believe that the antidoping test results are not yet released!
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Well if FIFA had not covered up the Italian doping scandal then it would have been Germany vs. France instead and Portugal automatically 3rd place.

FIFA covering an Italian doping scandal? A such thing should be pure
Just to remember the "feeling" between FIFA and Italian Federation,
according to the official ceremonial, Mr. Blatter should have presented
the Cup to the winning team but... did anybody see him doing that?
Good example of the everywhere writeen "FIFA Fair Play"....

Berlin, Olympiastadion.... can anyone remember anything similar
happend there....
Pisis said:
I can't stand him, along with Barthez and other big-headed morons...

He actually was a great player, as a matter of fact one of the best players to ever play and until yesterday was allways considered a very fair player who rarely dove or caused fouls to win games. I think he was just frustrated, but that is still no excuse for what he did.

That is the main reason I wanted France to win, because I wanted Zidan to go out a champion since that was his last game. He officially retired from football after that game.
I totally agree with Adler about Zizou.
He is not a player with class, he IS the class and everyone who like football really enjoy to watch him play.
Like all geniuses he must have some 'critical' point that make him completely irrational for a moment: what happened yesterday happened already in Champions League (Juventus-Hamburg) and at the World series in France.
I am selfishly happy that he was not there to shoot his penalty at the 'russian roulette', but I am very sad that he ruined his 'adieu' for a second of madness
So he's a lame person then. I know football very well, so I know things about Zidane. However, our Czech game commentator said lat night, that he already had one bigger problem with fouling - when he stomped on another player's chest.

As the post game commentator here said, he showed that he was human in this game and had a cracking point.

I hail him for his very illustrious and well played career.
Zidane is Champion (with capital C). but is also a human being. Really
a pity to close the carrier in a such way.
Much better image, just few minutes before, he and Buffon complimenting
each other.
although the media coverage here is not the same as the rest of the world the sports pundits here say he was replying to a racial slur but one thing I have trouble understanding is the is the guys helping their opponents up after a tackle or general niceties if you are my opponent I ain't going to be nice to you in any way
Before the rumours hit this Forum, I have to make apologies for something that Mr (?) Calderoli, a former Minister of the former Berlusconi government has declared after the match.

This charlatan said that France was just ' a team of Islamics, Communists and Niggers'

I am not ashamed to be Italian, but I am ashamed that such an idiot IS unfortunately Italian.

It is just the last of the many irresponsible outings of this individual.
The only positive thing is that this episode makes me even more happy that a government who had such a dement in one of the highest positions was finally kicked away last April.

Parmigiano said:
Before the rumours hit this Forum, I have to make apologies for something that Mr (?) Calderoli, a former Minister of the former Berlusconi government has declared after the match........

Totally agree and subscribe.
"This charlatan said that France was just ' a team of Islamics, Communists and Niggers'

I am not ashamed to be Italian, but I am ashamed that such an idiot IS unfortunately Italian."

The idiot is two time idiot , a rough kind of racist man.

Don't forget French politicians , an ELEGANT sample of racist men.

They had enormous social troubles from the "banlieues" of their cities during the last months, they hoped a victory from a team mostly composed by coloured and maghrebine players ( but also A 100% French man born in the banlieu , married with an Algerine girl and converted to Islam= Ribery, the best young player in the whole competition) as a small alms-prize and a kind of cheap sedative for the thousands of coloured/maghrebine/french rebels in the suburbs.

In the reality, none of the inhabitants of those suburbs would have been accepted along the Champs-Elysees to celebrate a victory of France ("we would be halted just outside the underground"-from La Stampa-Turin), neither I can remember an important French leader in politics, economy or industry who is coloured or with Maghrebine/Berbere roots........

That is what they are saying here as well. Not sure on it though, since I had to work today and did not get to watch the news as much.
Hello guys:

Although football soccer ain´t my world, watching only some World Cup matches every 4 years, and possibly going to the stadium for some UEFA match whenever i am in Europe, I can tell that to a large extent i agree with what I heard from a group of Argentinian sports comentators.

What they basically said is World Cups are becoming increasingly boring and more boring. (But as one of my German colleages here said while listening "they would not think like that if Argentina was the wolrd champion"). 8)

Two final games (USA 94 and Germany 2006) had to be decided via penalty shots. Something "unacceptable". There was a time when final games made adrenalizing events. They remembered the final game of Mexico 1970, when Brazil massacred the Italians 4-1 in the 90 minute time period. Spectacular. It was their interpretation teams "are becoming miserable", and that "offensive, attacking teams are endangered species".

The German national team, a fairly good team comprised only by unimpressive players, two of them being guys from Poland who are naturalized German citizens. He who should have been the "super-star" of the German team, a guy named Ballack, did not live up the expectations and went mostly unnoticed. Germany got initially placed in Group "A", comprised by teams which implied no obstacle for the hosts.

But, as i was told, this is customary in all world cups, the host receiving some initial help; so i assume that for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the host team will be in Group "A" alongside Burkina Faso, Mianmar and Biafra. (if Biafra might appear as a fearsome opponent, then Swaziland can be an option).

Back to the German team, they got kicked out of the World Cup by the Italians, described by most comentators as "the most solid defensive in the world and numer 1 goalie". Undeniable that that italians clearly surpassed the Germans.

The British team, with pop-star Beckham vomitting -i watched that game- before the 90 minute period (great athlete) made a flavourless participation; chav Rooney went unnoticed and got a red card when he squeezed the nuts of a poor portugese already lying on the field.

Furthermore, 32 teams qualified for the World Cup meant lots of crap allowed in. The Ukraine, for instance, a primitive team -exception made in the case of Schevchenko- which commenced the world cup receiving a huge cucumber in the butt, 4-0 against Spain, made their way through the quarter finals.

This comentators commented that if in your initial game in a world cup you get a 4-0 prescribed is like "having one leg outside the tournament". Who were the other 2 teams in the group? Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. Helpful for the ukrainians.8)

Thank you for the infor Mr. Alder regarding the number of teams which have attended world cups. So what about 40 teams allowed eh?

It would be pretty much like lowering passing grades.

Also i learned the Swiss team got kicked out of the tournament with its goalie not having received one single goal! (Switzerland lost in penalty shots).

Brazil, a diametrically opposed team when compared with the German team, comprised mostly by world class-superstars, "killers" as some call them, made a somewhat boring team. Apparently when a national soccer team is comprised only by world super stars things will not work out.

Now, no one can deny the top quality that as a player Zinedine Zidane can display; still, no one will dare to deny the man ain´t very smart when pushed to the limits.

Whatever the italian punk might have said, i do not want to know how grave was it, if you react the way Zidane did, in such a moment, then i can say your performance is wanting.

Being in the final game of the WORLD CUP, is the highest mountain to be climbed, the zenith in the mind of every professional soccer player, the ultimate goal.

If you lose control like that in such a critical moment (by the way, when France was putting heavy pressure on the italians! when they were keeping the upper hand!), when your national team needs you the most, then i would think it twice to use such player.

The best things i could keep from this world cup:

The organization which was superb (German made) and the fans.

The players and their teams, they can all go to hell.

I agree on most of you say, I disagree on some mainly because I lived, played (with the class of a donkey) and breathed football since when I was a kid.

The second part confirm the first!

Brasil-Italy of 1970, like Italy-Germany of 1982 (3-1) were NOT 'adrenalizing events' for a soccer connoisseur. The simple fact that one team massacred the other (in both cases in the 2nd half, after the first ended in tie) takes out great part of the 'adrenaline'. The matches were a big fiesta for the supporters of the winning team, not a great event for the neutral connoisseur and not great matches in absolute. One team just melted, leaving only the other to play.

Great adrenalizing matches with high quality level of play were Brasil-Italy 2-3in 1982 qualification, Germany-Holland 2-1 of 1974 final, Italy-Germany 4-3 of 1970 semifinal and France-Italy 2-1 in the Euro final of 2000.
And there are many other examples, of course the ones that include Italy are the first that comes to my mind.

About Materazzi-Zidane : there is nothing strange, this things happens everytime.

In every match players insult and provoke the opponent, in part for calculation and in part because taken by their own nerves, sometimes somebody reacts in a spectacular way.

Zidane is not a criminal, and Materazzi is not the tempting devil.

It happens in every sport where the opponents are in contact, in football they kick or fist the other player, in hockey they uses their wooden sticks to beat each other like blacksmiths, in American football they often exchange forbidden strokes and sometimes end up in a riot.

And it happens at every level, in my twenties when I used to play forward at the summer Bar tournements the defender was always trying to 'intimidate' me with insults and provocations, like walking on my feet and explaining me in details the sexual activity he had with my sister (that in the case, being 13 years apart, was easy to disregard)

Two years ago at the Euro the Italian Totti was harassed and provoked by another player (Poulsen), spat in his face and was righteously expelled and blocked for several matches.
The Italian Federation did not justify the player and presented official excuses.

Now the French Federation is trying to manipulate the case, claiming 'racial insults' for the reason that they would bring the automatic victory of France (insults that are being denied by Zidane himself)
A very low level behavior.

I prefer to believe that France is using soccer in order to readdress the social hatred of the banlieue from the Establishment to the 'unfair Italian team'
Still a manipulative behavior but at least for reasons more important than a soccer tournement.

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