World Cup

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plan_D said:
Yeah, that's mine. Have you seen all the change in the pocket? I'll get it when I go back sometime. I noticed I'd left it when I wanted some food back in Manchester, and realised I had no change 'cos it was in my coat ! It was so easy to do because I was relaxed, and didn't feel like I was on holiday - just like I was with a load of friends.

Message me your address and I will mail it to you.
zerum said:
The news here said 5-3,Italy in lead 1-0 .

Damn it took me a while to figure out where you guys where getting these figures.

It was 1-1 at the end of regulation and over time. In the penelty kicks it went 4-2 because Germany got 4 in and Argentina got 2 in. If you look at the official FIFA score they score it like this 1:1 ETO 4:2 PSO. That means they score it 5:3 but some places score it as 4:2 because the game was not decided in regulation time.
the lancaster kicks *** said:
so, naturally, you're stuck on your computer ;) have the military allowed you anything for the world cup? any events or time off? i realise you're with the yanks but you know.....

Well I have not missed a game yet. I have been to one of the viewing points for every Germany game. I have been in the streets partying for every Germany game afterwards and I have been given a pass to go to Berlin for the Finals.
Chris :

how much to bag one of the clean looking Deutsche Füssball Bund white/black trim T's ?

I'm getting a strong feeling that the team is going to pull it with the strong local backing ........... and I may be out of state due to ;) and will miss the finals
the one your friend is wearing with the tie-up in the neck not the jersey. You've got a close-up of him I do believe when Germany beat Argentinia. finally saw the game today on a Spainish channel, truly an exciting game at the end. got to hand it to the German goalie, he read the Argent. kickers moves quite well

England suffers from keeper weakness. Wasn´t the first time. Sad result, they actually played their best game against Portugal so far...

Germany vs Italy, this will be fun. I see Italy winning (Germany never beats Italy on world cup matches), and after all, this seems to be a traditional cup.

Italy probably is going to win the title as well, because they will deal with either France or Portugal, both teams will be badly handicapped if they get a single yellow card this half final (Porto has 8, France not fewer cards).
Del I may slightly agree but to allow the US to tie yourself was not cool for Italy's image ............ if they have recouped from this ?
Erich, I do not know where to get those at. I have not seen any. The guy is not a friend of mine but if I see him agian I will ask him.

As for Italy vs. Germany. Germany will win. Germany is going to win the whole World Cup. Germany has the strength and the heart to beat Italy!

Germany may never have beaten Italy in a World Cup but they are also playing in the Dortmund Stadium and German has never lost in the Dortmund Stadium in its 72 year history!

I would like to see a Germany vs. France Final. That way we can all watch first hand how the French are sent Running! :lol:
I doubt the keeper (Lehmann) read the moves of the argentinian shooters. Indeed if You have a close look, he reads from a paper given to him from the trainer. Nobody knows what was written there but I suspect something like:
"Ayala 72% left low" Statsitics won that game.
Your word in gods ear, Adler.
Yes Delycros he did read from a paper but that was for the very last Argentine Kicker so he did read most of them and he was damn close on all of them and held one as well by reading the kicker. Lehmann is the best goalie in the World Cup and he is going to help take Germany to the Championship!

Come on Delycros I am ashamed of you. You call yourself German? Stand up and get some pride in your team and your country and stop being so negative about them! You are the only person in Germany who is bringing the team down. Either stand up with your team or move to Italy or something!
1 und 2 und 3 und 54, 74, 90, 2006 ja so stimmen wir alle ein,
mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein
werden wir Weltmeister sein!

Wir haben nicht die höchste Spielkultur,
sind nicht gerade filigran.
Doch wir haben Träume und Visionen
und in der Hinterhand ´n Masterplan.
Für unsren langen Weg aus der Krise
und aus der Depression
lautet die Devise : Nichts wie rauf auf den Fußballthron

1 und 2 und 3 und 54, 74, 90, 2006 ja so stimmen wir alle ein,
mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein
werden wir Weltmeister sein!

Die ganze Welt greift nach dem goldenen Pokal
doch nur einer hält ihn fest -
so ist das nun einmal.
Die ganze Welt spielt sich um den Verstand.
Doch der Cup bleibt in unserem Land!

1 und 2 und 3 und 54, 74, 90, 2006 ja so stimmen wir alle ein,
mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein
werden wir Weltmeister sein!

Beim 1.Mal war´s ein Wunder,
Beim 2.Mal war es Glück,
Beim 3.Mal der verdiente Lohn
und dieses Mal wirds ´ne Sensation

1 und 2 und 3 und 54, 74, 90, 2006 ja so stimmen wir alle ein,
mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein
werden wir Weltmeister sein!
54, 74, 90, 2006 ja so stimmen wir alle ein,
mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein
werden wir Weltmeister sein!
scheiss !

yes 2 to zippo. dang

well it appears the German folk supporting the world cup will now dissolve and no-one to run the concession stands ......... :lol: Back to work all of you, now !!

Chris no sweat about the T-shirt, thought the guy as he was in a couple of pics was with you guys. Well I hope Portuagal beats Frane decidedl

any concilation, in the TdF 3rd stage T-Mobil pulled a clunker on the group by Kessler and Kloden getting 1 and 2 today and quite a gripping Bike Race. I'd luv to see the German T-Mobil kick butt, never liked Ullrich as he was a fat slob but the rest of his team is now on it's own to prove a point
Well, if we want to talk fussball...
Germany-Italy was the best match of the tournament. Both teams played a very good match and with high intensity for 120 minutes. The key was the (risky) decision of the Italian trainer to refresh and empower the forward line (with Gilardino and Del Piero) in the overtime. In the last 30 minutes Italy created at least 5 clean goal-balls and finalized the last two.
Chapeau to Germany but Italy in the end delivered that 'bit more'.
Now I prefer Portugal on Sunday, because France has a good tradition with us (last time favorable to Italy was 1978, 2-1) and most of all because I fear at least 4 French players (Henri, Trezeguet, Vieira and Zidane) that, if they have a good day, can win the match alone...
Yes that game sucked very bad. The match was very exciting but there were 3 discrepensies that I have with it.

1. The Germans were a bit slow on the ball.

2. The Italians took to many dives and played very very dirty. They faked so much and really were playing very very unfair. For this reason I do not believe that they deserved the win. At one point the ref even told one of the Italian players to get off the ground and play, that he was not hurt and that the Ballack did not do anything to him.

3. The Ref for the most part calling fouls on the Germans for the cowerdly acts talked about in number 2. He obviously had some money waiting for him in the locker room when the game was over.

It was a real shocker for me though having said this and brought a tear to my eye when they made it all the way to the last 2 minutes. Oh well that is football and we will have to wait until the next world cup which is in South Africa I believe.

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