World Cup

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Wouldn´t say they play loke dogs. For the duration of the cup (at least so far), Germany played very ungermanish but attractive football. Still, I believe Argentinia is the better team of both.
Gnomey offical world cup web-site said 5 to 3 ? strange, I cannot get squat here about the WC in Oregon, we've got so much media interference in the platonic sphere. over 800 lightining strikes yesterday and in northern Cali.

my prediction early is Germany vs England for the title.

Germany over all you maggots :D
Italy won 3-0. Ukraine were never really in the game except for a short period after half time when the had 2 chances saved and one cleared off the line. Wasn't a great game to watch, Germany against Italy should be better.
It´s amazing to watch the world cup. Although I´m not the sort of person laying on a sofa while watching sports on tv, i have had the chance of watching some world cup matches.

Rahter, i practice sports myself; a healthy dose of adrenaline is necessary in my life. :)

Football soccer players in the present day world are vedettes, especially those "soccer superstars"; these ain´t sportsmen no more. Surely there was a time when players were true sportsmen. Not the case with these guys.

I´ve been told Pele -right, in the 1960s- rapidly discovered how good he was as player, took full advantage of such condition and made a "merchandise" of himself, making millions when he was still playing; so massive profit in sports is not as new as i initially thought.

Now, there is a fundamental difference between a player such as Pele -including the other players who played in the same era- and the ladies who play soccer in the 2006 world cup: when Pele was still playing football had some elements that could remind you of "wrestling". Referees did not yet have the yellow/red cards of today. You could nearly punch the living crap out of the opponent with little risk of getting kicked out of the game by the referee.

Watched some images of a match that took place in the 1966 world cup held in England -which by the way, was a fraud to have the British team as world champion-: Brazil vs. Portugal.

The dirty Portugese were simply ordered to take Pele down. They almost broke both his legs. A brutality which is simply unconceivable in the present world cup. Guess what? Pele walked out of the match, badly injured, on his own feet, walking.

Any of the tramps currently playing in Germany´s world cup would die immediately of a heart attack if they would receive the sort of beating Pele endured in that game of 1966.Or if they shall survive, they would require prompt shock therapy.

Did you see that British "athlete" David Beckham vomiting in the last match even before the end of the 90 minute duration of the game? The field is proving too much for the sod; perhaps he moves better in shopping malls and fashion parades.

What a great "sportsman" Beckham is. The TV comentators were saying Beckham was vomiting because it was "too hot"....bring the lady to Texas, Arizona or northern Mexico and see him die in a couple of minutes. Never thought they could be so weak. German "heat". Entertaining.

Also i noticed this world cup is to a good extent about what f*cker has a superbitch -sorry, meant "top model"- girlfriend or fiancee...that a chav in the British team, Rooney, is the boyfriend of some ultra-famous, ultra-expensive tramp...also what player is "the hottest" or "the sexiest" or "has the hottest legs" or "butt"....and s*it like that. (By the way, have you seen that guy Rooney? The man is as ugly as cramps in your intestine)

These overhyped, overindulged, overpaid, overfed "athletes"...too much "sexy" long hair, earrings and tattoos but not too much sportsmanship.

Not to mention the fact there is some hazardous effect this kind of tournament plays on most players and team managers. I am not against celebrations; quite the contrary I am happy man who celebrates when due. But, tell me guys...have you seen how most players react, say, when they score? As football player i have no doubt scoring in the enemy goal in A WOLRD CUP is certainly the ultimate winning a medal in the olympics. But it seems quite excessive. You look at them and it´d appear the creep is having a spasm or that oxygen is scarce in the atmosphere.

Even more excessive, have you seen the reactions of team managers when their team scores? One would expect a "milder" celebration from the elder member of the team, the leader, the brain, the sheperd. But no, you can see a man scratching his 70´s jumping and yelling and opening his mouth as a mad ape when his team scores. (Saw Jurgen Klinsmann´s celebration today, the man looked totally ridiculous).

FIFA world cup is all about business. Business before any other thing. Sports is a secondary issue, but i assume you all know this quite well.

P.S. The exception to this -to my amazement- can be the French team, yes, the French team. I like the class of that guy Zidane; moderate when celebrating and seems like a very intelligent and cool man, alongside most of his team-mates (great to see France sending the ultra-arrogant Spanish team back home -which by the way, are extremely racist people, making the sounds of apes whenever a black player kicks the ball during the game. Ignorant sods).
I watched it, too. Argentinia-to be fair- dominated the game over most of the time, Germany was very nerveous, technically inferior but had enough fighting spirit to bring it home.
1:1 with one goal (60.min) from Ayala and another goal from Klose. Jóse Pekerman made a tactical mistake to secure the 1:0 leading from Ayala too early and released Riquelme without substituting the architect of Argentinia (either Riquelme or Aimar). After this the game was more equal.
Penalty shooting ended with 4:2 for Germany with en excellent keeper, who got all directions right but failed to catch two of four shoots. Not bad, Lehmann.
5:3 therefore is correct.
Ukraina was blasted away by superior Italy. Will be a hard game for Germany to face Italy again.
Technically it was 5-3 but they ended it at 4-2 because no matter what happened Germany one!

I am so proud of Germany. I went and watched the game again at a viewing point. My voice is gone and I had a tear in my eye while holding my wife (both of us with our Germany jerseys on and the German flag, and some face paint on). It was an exciting game!

That is the thing Germany never quits they are playing with so much heart, they are going to win the World Cup!

After the game we went to the large Street Party and danced and had a great time with all the German fans and many many Argentina fans that were crying. :lol: My friend unfortuanly got cut on a piece of glass and had to go to the hospital and get surgery. It was an accident though and he is fine.

Right now the whole country is in euphoria and it is a great party! No matter where you go, it is amazing. We even danced with the Germany Polizei yesterday! Bier is flowing and the party is strong! The whole country is like a street party.

I have some great pics but they are on my friends camara and I will have to post them when she gives them to me on a disk.

Meanwhile here are some pics that I got from online. Enjoy.

I know that we do not have a lurvley ladys thread but the german women are looking real great right now so please enjoy these as well.


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GermansRGeniuses said:
Brasil is gonna win it the sixth time.

You obviously have not been watching the World Cup then. Brazil has not played well the whole tournament. They are just an image of the greatness they used to be. The only decent game they had was vs. Japan. JAPAN!!!

You will see, they will not win!
nor will England... kick off in one hour!

i missed the extra time in the germany/argentina game because of a combination of the farm and simpsons, shame, i'm glad germany won though, Germany looks and sounds like fun right now!
so, naturally, you're stuck on your computer ;) have the military allowed you anything for the world cup? any events or time off? i realise you're with the yanks but you know.....
Dre alder:

Would you agree 32 teams in the world cup are just too many teams?

As i said, i am not much into watching football on tv, but i was just told that as late as in the 1980s the number of national teams admitted into the world cup was 16 (sixsteen)!, then that during the 1990s the number went up to 24, reaching 32 today...twice the original number.

I was told that at least some 12 national teams who attended the 2006 world cup were just "tourists". (USA, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Costa Rica, Serbia, Trinidad Tobago to name a few).

And by the way, group "A", where Germany got positioned was a joke: Costa Rica, Poland and Ecuador; a freshly baked donut and glass of milk for the host team.

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