Staff Sergeant
International Intelligence History Association
BBC - History - Double Cross - MI5 in World War Two
MI5 | 4 September 2007 releases: German intelligence agents and suspected agents
Above are some links I have found concerning Abwehr during World War 2. Soren contends that Abwehr was never penetrated comprimised or their operations during World War 2 were always successful. This maybe true in Soren's eyes but unfortunately Soren would be pretending this is a perfect world. This is a falsehood by any means. Yes Abwehr did have spectacular successes during World War 2 until it was absorbed into the SD and SS Gestapo Intelligence Wing after the attempted assasination of Hitler.
Abwehr did have spectacular successes in Holland. Capture of 2 British MI6 Agents. And Abwehr succeeded in penetrating French Resistenace Movement in France during the early occupation years by the Germans in France.
Abwehr also suceeded in placing agents in MI6 and Sabotage work in the USA. But Abwehr also had glaring failures and the above links prove that Abwehr like any Intelligence Network Organisation had failures. Failures such as 13 Abwehr Agents being hanged in Britian during World War 2. Abwehr Agents upon being captured in Britian all but one turned into double agents (One Abwehr Agent commiting suicide).
But Abwehr had its communication Centre in Paris bugged by the French Resistence late in 1943. Abwehr had Code Books captured by the British Intelligence Services. British Intelligence turned all but one of Abwehr Agents in Britian to be double agents. Suspicions are that Abwehr may have known about these former Abwehr Agents now double crossing Abwehr but it appears it maybe speculation. But what is known these turned Abwehr Agents working for British Intelligence. Provided the Germans with false information from 1941 to 1945. This included false information fed to Abwehr on the proposed invasion of France in 1944. So Soren in claiming Abwehr was perfect Intelligence Organisation who were never penetrated comprimised or fooled by their Allied Enemies was and is a to BIG A CALL to make. In the World of Espionage and Spying Soren there isn't one Organisation similar to Abwehr who hasn't been comprimised or fooled betrayed. Or any such organisations who haven't had MOLES or had been betrayed internally. Abwehr was never 100% water tight as you may assume Soren. And by the way Soren I have plenty of other links on Abwehr and the Brandenburgs on my favourites. But I suggest you begin reading the above links on Abwehr and German Intelligence Networks as I have provided. Especially the first link as it provides a very interesting meeting occuring in June 1999 detailing Intelligence Operations in Germany for 50 years from 1939 to 1999
BBC - History - Double Cross - MI5 in World War Two
MI5 | 4 September 2007 releases: German intelligence agents and suspected agents
Above are some links I have found concerning Abwehr during World War 2. Soren contends that Abwehr was never penetrated comprimised or their operations during World War 2 were always successful. This maybe true in Soren's eyes but unfortunately Soren would be pretending this is a perfect world. This is a falsehood by any means. Yes Abwehr did have spectacular successes during World War 2 until it was absorbed into the SD and SS Gestapo Intelligence Wing after the attempted assasination of Hitler.
Abwehr did have spectacular successes in Holland. Capture of 2 British MI6 Agents. And Abwehr succeeded in penetrating French Resistenace Movement in France during the early occupation years by the Germans in France.
Abwehr also suceeded in placing agents in MI6 and Sabotage work in the USA. But Abwehr also had glaring failures and the above links prove that Abwehr like any Intelligence Network Organisation had failures. Failures such as 13 Abwehr Agents being hanged in Britian during World War 2. Abwehr Agents upon being captured in Britian all but one turned into double agents (One Abwehr Agent commiting suicide).
But Abwehr had its communication Centre in Paris bugged by the French Resistence late in 1943. Abwehr had Code Books captured by the British Intelligence Services. British Intelligence turned all but one of Abwehr Agents in Britian to be double agents. Suspicions are that Abwehr may have known about these former Abwehr Agents now double crossing Abwehr but it appears it maybe speculation. But what is known these turned Abwehr Agents working for British Intelligence. Provided the Germans with false information from 1941 to 1945. This included false information fed to Abwehr on the proposed invasion of France in 1944. So Soren in claiming Abwehr was perfect Intelligence Organisation who were never penetrated comprimised or fooled by their Allied Enemies was and is a to BIG A CALL to make. In the World of Espionage and Spying Soren there isn't one Organisation similar to Abwehr who hasn't been comprimised or fooled betrayed. Or any such organisations who haven't had MOLES or had been betrayed internally. Abwehr was never 100% water tight as you may assume Soren. And by the way Soren I have plenty of other links on Abwehr and the Brandenburgs on my favourites. But I suggest you begin reading the above links on Abwehr and German Intelligence Networks as I have provided. Especially the first link as it provides a very interesting meeting occuring in June 1999 detailing Intelligence Operations in Germany for 50 years from 1939 to 1999