Wright Flyer 2 at Huffman Prairie

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BTW.. a tip thiough... if you want to share your pics you may use the IMG tags while writting your posts. Just put the URL address of your pic between the two img tags. See below.

It will result in the such way of displaying...

I thought of building the complete shed but that would not be a box diorama. So I have decided to compromise and build the box and finish the front and sides with wood siding like the interior. I will enlarge the viewing area to show just enough to raise the viewer's curiosity and encourage people to look inside. Both ends will be removable as well as the top for pics and maintenance.

(http://imgur.com/h9mkDzS) View: https://i.imgur.com/h9mkDzS.jpg

The hand above is 1/18 scale./the tongue depressor would be would be well within the scales required by 1/18 or even 1/24 although for 1/24 I probably would use the smaller coffee sticks.
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I have stopped using power tools except for a belt sander at almost 78 I don't feel quite as comfortable using them as I used to. I have switched to using an Exacto knife and cardboard that way I make my structures is almost as strong.
Hi John,

Your model is wonderful - I look forward to seeing the final results.

One word of caution, if you don't already know. If you're planning an engraved plaque to display with the model, the location was Huffman Prairie, not Huffington.

All best!


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