Hello my fellow modelers:
It has been a productive week so far. I have still two days more on leave (without any office work) and I intend to complete the D-11 as far as possible, as well as with details on the two other kites.
So far, this is the weekly update where several mistakes were detected, and to be corrected on the Ta-152 kite scope. This was the main idea to at least advance as much as I can in the Dora model in order to continue with the 152, especially with the decal location works.
First things first, decal location works. And before any painting, the sanding works with a 2000 grit at least in order to hide the boundaries of each decal panel as can be seen in the following images:
Once the decals were located satisfactorily, then a light gloss clear kote was applied, to further loose the decal boundaries and integrate them to the fuselage:
Then I noticed that the upper cowling needed to be detailed further more, and some decals were also applied after the grey priming works:
And now, decide the pattern used on this kite, and as reference I found the following image as reference:
And with this idea on mind, the following paint works were performed on the kite belly:
Stripes of different widths and detailing the ailerons before attaching them to the wings. Also some preshading works were performed before the paint:
and voilá. Several tones of red were applied in order to gain some contrast:
And then with a lot of satisfaction, the masking was removed:
After finishing this phase, I decided that more metal surfaces were needed and proceed with the basic masking works in the canopy, the tal attack surface and on the wing roots:
As this was my first intent using the Alclad II lacquer paint and being honest, it's one of the best paints I've ever used for metallic paints:
Taking advantage that I had the Alclad lacquer ready on the airbrush, also the belly of the 152 (and the triceratops lower jaw) were painted:
Now, the moment of truth. In the engine cowlings and tail rudder, I used the RLM 76. This was also applied almost on the complete surface of the A-4 kite.
And for the main fuselage I used the Model Master enamel 65. As several drawings of this kite found on the Doras of the Galland circus book by Eagle Editions. As can be appreciated in the following image, and also under the knowledge that there are no images of the Rot 2 kite (as far as I'm aware):
Before applying the blue colours on the fuselage, some fluid masking was applied to the recently painted metallic surfaces (despite that some real aluminium was applied on the connection for the tail assembly, that also received some liquid masking), in order to emulate the weathered surfaces.
Let's see how both surfaces looks after finishing the complete paint works:
And this is how it looks now both kites during the 76 and 65 enamel paints works:
And this is the final result so far gents:
Only 20 images per post.
The final results with the decals painted continue in the next post...