WW2Aircraft.net Fantasy Football League.

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Alright it seems everyone has logged in.

The draft can take place on the 31st.

I have received a few email asking a few questions. If you have questions just post them here in this thread. It might be a question that some one else has as well.

To answer the ones that I have received so far...

How to add your team logo:
If you click into the tab that says "My Team", you will see another tab that says "Edit Settings". If you go into that tab, you will see a list of settings that you can adjust. One of them is "Team Logo". Under that setting you can choose an NFL Team Logo or you can Upload a Custom Logo. If you want to upload your own from your computer, just select that setting.

Free Agency:
I will explain Free Agency later, after the draft. There are no players in Free Agency because the Draft has not happened yet. Basically however all "undrafted players" will be in the Free Agency list. If you wish to pick up a player from Free Agency, you have to drop a player off of your roster. That is free agency in a nutshell, but I will explain it more, such as the waivers, after the draft.

Bye Weeks:
Once your players are drafted, you need to look at each players bye week, which is the week that their team does not play. Very important, because if they are still in your lineup, you will not get any points. That is why you will have players in reserve on your bench. You can substitute them in for bye weeks or injuries or if a starter is not doing well.

Once your team is drafted, all you have to do is look at your roster. It will tell you when each player has a bye week.

You need to look at your roster and see who is injured. The League site tries to keep this updated as much as possible, to let you know if a player is probably to play, questionable to play, or is not going to play.

All of this may seem like it takes a lot of time. It really does not. All you have to do is log into your team, a few times a week for a few minutes (at least once a week right before game time, but it is better if you check a few times a week and not just before game time). This way you can make roster changes, if needed. It only takes a few minutes. If you check out the forum every few days, you can also check out your roster.

Here is how the game is structured:

2 Divisions with 5 teams each. Each team plays each other "Head to Head". For instance in Week One, I play the Northeastern Wildcats. At the end of our "season" the top 6 teams will go to the playoffs.

Here is how scoring is done.

Your team will receive:


Passing Yards:
1 point per 25 yards
Passing Touchdowns:
4 points
Interceptions Thrown:
-2 points
Rushing Yards:
1 point per 10 yards
Rushing Touchdowns:
6 points
Receiving Yards:
1 point per 10 yards
Receiving Touchdowns:
6 points
Fumble Recovered for TD:
6 points
Fumbles Lost:
-2 points
2-Point Conversions:
2 points


PAT Made:
1 point
FG Made 0-19:
3 points
FG Made 20-29:
3 points
FG Made 30-39:
3 points
FG Made 40-49:
3 points
FG Made 50+:
5 points

Defense / Special Teams

1 point
2 points
Fumbles Recovered:
2 points
2 points
6 points
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns:
6 points
Points Allowed 0:
10 points
Points Allowed 1-6:
7 points
Points Allowed 7-13:
4 points
Points Allowed 14-20:
1 point
Points Allowed 21-27:
0 points
Points Allowed 28-34:
-1 point
Points Allowed 35+:
-4 points

You will find that the scoring is pretty weird. A typical score is something like 100 to 95 for example.
Well, for the other members of our forum that might be interested. I will keep the league up to date.

Here are the teams:

Division 1: The Men
1. Midwest Messerchmitts (DerAdlerIstGelandet)
2. Rabid Toads ()
3. Farve Dolllar Footlong (B-17engineer)
4. South Yankee Slippers (meatloaf109)
5. Corsairs (Thorlifter)

Division 2: The Boys
1. The Bootleggers (wheelsup_cavu)
2. Njacos Wackos (Njaco)
3. Big Ugly (Messy1)
4. Northeastern Wildcats (Vasili Zaitlev)
5. burnouts ()

Who owns the "burnouts" and "rabid toads" I know that one is bernhart and one is oldcrow. Just want to make sure I got it right when I post it.

Here is the schedule for week 1:

Midwest Messerschmitts vs. Northeastern Wildcats
Rabid Toads vs. Farve Dollar Footlong
burnouts vs. Big Ugly
Southern Yankee Slippers vs. Corsairs
The Bootleggers vs. Njacos Wackos

Harrison, I just noticed you spelled Favre wrong... I think you can still change it in your settings.
Also one question to everyone.

Does anyone mind if change the draft from the 31st to the 26th of August? We are all logged in and therefore the draft can take place. It will sort of give all the people new to the game, a bit more time to play around with their rosters and figure things out before the game starts.

I will go with majority rules on this.
All you have to do is rank your players. You don't have to do that if you don't want to.

That draft is automatic, and the computer does it for you.

Live drafts are more fun, because you actually have to pick your players. Everyone is given a position and you pick players in that order. Once you guys figure this thing out, maybe next year we can do a live draft.
I'm up against Adler in the first week.....why do I feel I'm going to get destroyed.

Edit: 26th/27th is fine for me as well. I've done my pre-draft ranking to the best of my comprhension, I'll just have to see how it turns out.
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I'm up against Adler in the first week.....why do I feel I'm going to get destroyed.

You never know my friend. I have no control over the draft either. It is an autopick draft. I get whoever the computer gives me. You might have the better lineup, and your players might play better.

Any given Sunday my friend...
Ok, I'm having problems.

It lets me sign into NFL.com but I can't get to the league.

I keep getting this...

There were 3 errors.
You have entered an invalid League Id.
You have entered an invalid team name.
You have entered an invalid time zone.

I can't seem to find the email that had the passwords.
Once you log in and set up your own account, you should not need that anymore. Do the lost password thing.

Edit: excuse me, I meant Forgot Password thingy.
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