Yorkshire Air Museum 2014

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Thanks again chaps !
A slight deviation again, with some shots of the site itself.
It's easy to forget that the buildings themselves are exhibits in their own right, being original WW2 structures, with the 'Maycrete' and 'Nissen' huts, the Tower and T2 hangar, all being reclaimed from nature's progress, and restored. Each building seen here is in use, either restored to represent its original function, like the Tower, French Officer's Mess, and Airmen's billet, or housing displays, the Museum shop and offices, and the restaurant, in the 'NAFFI' building, with a function room and original 'Astra' cinema attached, and the original type red telephone box.
Also shown here are a WW2 AEC 'Matador' fuel bowser, and a refuelling trailer, awaiting restoration.
The RAF Standard on the flag pole at the signals square, is raised and lowered as the museum opens, and closes, each day.


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