1:1 Spitfire K9817 Cockpit Build

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Sounds great Darryl, look forward to the pics. A bit late now, but a very light rub down of the first coat, with fine wet n dry, used wet with normal hand soap, will give a good keying area, then apply the next coat with a touch of thinner on top of the 'ready use' paint, brushed out, finishing with vertical strokes. After the surface is dry, and cleaned off of course!!
Thanks Terry,

I'll keep that in mind for next time! New battery now to hand and when I get home I'll get some good "evening light" photos. I am very pleased with how the name came out (and to hell with regulations8) )

Tonight after photos will be the last coat on the interior and coat of Cabots Floor Clear on the outside. I then have to sort out the computer room for the move inside. I'm still on track for a Saturday/Sunday finish (structural).

I'm looking forward to that because I can then assemble the whole lot for the first time. I received the Light Bulb Holder from Spits (thanks mate) and he tells me that the door latch is in progress.
OK, Ok already............................
First some detail shots of the interior



They pretty much speak for themselves.

The seat..with Sutton Harness now fitted (the other two straps will be attached, one behind the seat and one through and onto the back of the sim with an elastic "inertia lock real".


Armour plate waiting for it's next coat of paint.

A closer look at the undercarriage unti fairing

The bottom frame of the bullet proof windcreen with the sides of the front canopy frame.

Most of the bits to fix back in..the Lightbulb holder arrived an is currently drying..thank you Spits!


The "sound system"

The top coat of Cabots is on but isn't as shiny as I'd hoped. I think I will go get a gloss and use that for another top coat. Sorry but the flash obscures some of the features

And the final for tonight...the "signwriting". Painted by putting a cut stencil (adhesive) on the wall..had some fun with that twisting and sticking to itself but we got there. Pay no attention to the rough green line...that will be covered by the windscreen frame.

the shiny glow around the Moody Blue" is the "cloud" I painted on to break up the outline.



More to come Saturday night chaps
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:thumbright:Awesome Darryl!!! :thumbright:

Looks like you have some long hours ahead of you bolting everything back inside.

Thanks Glenn.

It takes about 2 hours to bolt everything back and put the thing together (which now it is skinned requires a bit of contortion.) The instrument panel really does need a touch up but THAT takes a couple of hours to pull out the gauges and more like 3 now to put them back in. I'll get her flying first and call the scratches and scrapes on the panel "fair wear and tear" for a combat aircraft.

I do know now that the PRU Blue was a great idea. It looks even better in the flesh and the silver name and "clouds" I am extremely pleased with.

Cheers mate and looking forward to more of YOUR progress.
Top notch mate, looks pretty damn good to me and I love the name.

You realise of course that we are all expecting an action shot of you ...you do have a 'handlebar' moustache dont you ?...in the process of 'flaming a bad guy. And of course it'll have to go on the Members mugshots gallery. Even better, a home video...just to make us all jealous !
Cheers mate and looking forward to more of YOUR progress.

Just when I have several things in ready to go the wife has put the nix on any work on the 47 this week due to the need for the house to be in order for house guests this weekend. ](*,) I hope to get some work in Sunday night after they leave but I'm not betting money on it.
Great work Darryl, looks bril mate. Yep, get that handlebar 'tash sorted, and start practicing the voice - something like "Well, here we all goe, orf the grind and rind and rind, what"!!
Thank you all guys. I am now very impatient to finish and that is causig me to rush a little...you see the dark spots in the name area where varnish pooled ... I will need to correct that tonight.

The camera is VERY kind to my woodwork but overall I am satisfied with the general level of finish.

I retested the gauges last night (as they had been in the dusty shed for a week and I had done some hammering near them whilst they were in the 'pit. Anxious moments when a couple wouldn't connect but they all seem to be working now.

Yep, get that handlebar 'tash sorted, and start practicing the voice - something like "Well, here we all goe, orf the grind and rind and rind, what"!!

Tally Ho! Time to give Jerry a damn good thrashing etc etc....:lol:
Very impressive Darryl,love the name,love the colour,just brilliant.8)
Thanks guys,

No handlebar moustache unfortunately and the war will be over before I can get it grown.

A4K I know that I should go slow but I'm having trouble doing it. too many times (far too many) I have painted and then not been able to wait to recoat. Or I have tried to "fix" runs and smudges straight away instead of waiting until they dry and sanding etc. I am trying but..... Tonight I took three hours to touch up the colours and do a second coat. I painted the whole thing in 2 hours the other night, so I guess I am learning to take a bit of time.

tonyb, thanks, I agonised over the paint job for nearly 18 months. The FR's seem to have been anything but PRU Blue. The normal blue aircraft didn't carry guns..so doesn't fit. I settled on the blue because as Terry says above, that is what people in the main expect it to be. AND my mates can't take the p155. The Moody Blue just suggested itself to me. The "cloud" was a way of covering up feathering on the edges but came out looking quite stunning. I need to get my wife to take some photos on Sunday, she can get much more out of the camera than I can.

I'll try for some sleep now as, in the morning, I have to use my favourite tool...a 4" grinder. A dangerous beast at best
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Ok, as of 11pm last night the structure is finished and bolted together. A few minor jobs tonight and tomorrow night will see it "finished" as far as the cockpit itself goes. Then I need to catch up on some work before making it flyable with the monitor stands, computer tray and wiring.

Pictures tomorrow night.

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