1/144 Pan Am Boeing 707 and 747 Simultaneous build

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YES!, actually. I pit primer on the fuselages, wings, and horizontal stabilizers. Revealed a bunch of places I sanded too much. I'll post pics when I get home.

Boeing 747. can't really see it here, but there are TONS of places where I oversanded. ;P

wings and horizontal stabilizers

Boeing 707. the Contrails aftermarket resin piece seems to be a little too big for the fuselage. some sanding will be required.

I'll take more detailed pics, tomorrow
Thanks fellas. Got a little more work done on both planes.

Boeing 707 fuse. Sanded the cockpit piece so it was flush with the rest of the fuselage. The top looks great, but the sides may need a little work.

Putty reapplied to the 747's cabin windows. The tape is to minimize damage and unnecessary putty coverage.
the sponge is for sanding. I put the sandpaper on it and I sand the surface for a little more evenness
Used gun metal for the base color, feathered some silver on the leading edges of the fan blades like I did the 757, then painted the spinners a good light gray color.

Pratt Whitney JT3D engines for the 707 assembled and puttied. Won't paint till I get better engines for the 747

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