1/24 Airfix Ju-87B-2 Stuka

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Dec 25, 2010
My latest journey into building my childhood dream kits.

Slowly working through an Airfix Stuka. Bad case of AMS is setting in but enjoying myself none the less.


Rebuilt the chin radiator.

Added some bit and pieces and a touch of paint.

worked on the MG15

Have made a start on the cockpit.

Reworked the spent ammo case bag to look like canvas.

The kit has been a joy to build so far. Wish I could have afforded one years ago I could have had so much fun dive-bombing my little green army men.

They wouldn't have stood a chance.

Thank you all for your encouraging comments. I have taken a bit of a break from the Stuka this week and have been bashing on an 1/24 Airfix Fw-190a-6.

I'll post some progress on the Stuka soon.

Got the Stuka bug again.

I wanted to replace those ucky rubber wheels. Went to the bungalow to get the moulding rubber and oh no! I'm out... Off to the shops and find that the kind I usually use isn't easily available but you might try this Sir.

Okay it's a bit pink but who am I to judge...

Followed the directions and got this.

Which made this.

I'm pretty stoked. This Pinkysil only takes about 40 minutes to set opposed to the 24 hours of my old casting silicone. and works a treat. Even with really old casting resin it produced excellent results.

After a horrible week I get a win! I'm off to make a couple more. Only need to drill out the axle, I never expected that to cast well, to paint and then mount into the spat.

Happy Dance....


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