1/24 mossie

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Here,s one more for today its of the crew hatch the little white sign reads beware of airscrew .Thanks for all your comments guys they are an great inspiration and they make all the hard work worthwhile..BB
Oh by the way i will be going to duxfords flying legends airshow on saturday so there will be many pics coming for you guys to enjoy.BB
Very nice work BB.
Far as I remember, the handle on the inside of the crew entrance hatch was red. It was linked to pins and a wire through the hinges; pulling both erleased the pins to jettison the door for baling out. I should have a colour slide somewhere, so I'll check it. Can't post it, as I haven't got a transparency scanner yet!
BTW, the release handle on the roof hatch was also red. This hatch was only used for escape after a forced landing or ditching. There should be a white strip, with the words 'Emergency Exit', in red, on the inside front frame of the hatch, reading from the rear.
Just checked, and yes, the handle was red. Post war, I think from the early 1960s, this was changed to the 'modern' colours of black and yellow stripes, used for emergency and/or jettisonable items. BTW, the telescopic ladder clipped to the inside of the door should be either semi-gloss black, or semi-gloss red. The ladder was held by 'Jubilee' clips, and khaki canvas web straps.
Ok guys sorry to say this but i have really messed up on the camo for the mossie i think it was a case of to fast to soon so i am going to step away from the kit for a while and build something else just so i can take stock and think about how to sort this balls up out .so i have decided to build the 1/24 stuka by airfix i shall be posting pics on the build but i am sorry about the mossie it will be re started in the very near future thanks for your support on this project it been most helpful .Right now where,s the reference books on the 87 He He.BB
With Wayne. In that scale, correcting errors shouldn't be too difficult.
Just thought, why not enter the Stuka in the BoB Group Build? Starts on August 1st, so enough time to get your references together, and get help / advice etc along the way.
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Thats a good idea terry i think i will do that .i also think the mossie will have to be virtualy stripped back to the plastic in some places any ideas on how to get the paint off without damageing the kit cheers.BB
Sorry to hear this BB and I'm with Wayne and Terry, if we can do anything to help..........will also be watching to see if any good ideas come up for stripping paint of plastic as I have this Spitfire Mk II that needs stripping before I can enter it into the next GB.

What's the problem with the paint BB, and what type, enamel or acrylic ?
I've rarely stripped paint when I've needed to 're-do' something, as it can clump together in horrible sticky lumps, particularly around crevices and angles, so I normally do a rub-down, prime, and start again. But, it can be done. One method I haven't tried, but believe works very well, is to use 'Mr Muscle' oven cleaner, on enamels anyway.
Before you try anything, post a pic, and a description of what the problem is, with as much detail as possible about the type of paints, how it was applied etc.
The good thing about the Mossie, is the overall smooth surface, with relatively little surface detail, so hopefully that shouls makes things a bit easier, even if the paint is a real disaster and looks like a Hippocroccofrogs *rse !
Hippocrocofrogs a$&e i like that i won, post any pics of the mossie at the mo but the problem is mainly runs that i did not notice and the poxy humbrol green being two different shades to quote James may OH ****.bb
Have you guys any idea how hard it is to find cockpit shots of the JU87 in colour iv,e been four hours looking and can,t find anything decent.BB
That's 'cos there are only a coupls left in the World, and late models at that. I've got colour shots of the 'G', but no chance on the 'B' or 'D'. I think I've got some B&W shots of BoB period Ju87 cockpit and rear position, and a coloured artwork.
Going back to the Mossie, if it's just runs, you're probably better rubbing it down, then building up with thin primer coats. A light rub-down after the final primer has hardened, and then re-spray.
This current so-called Humbrol enamel, once the best in the world, is a pain in the whatsit, especially the greens, in most shades. It varies in shade, won't dry, or dries patchy, won't stir-in, or goes hard once the tin has opened, and the bl**dy lids keep popping off. F*** knows where it's made these days, are what from, but it's first class c*ap !!
I wish I had heard this about Humbrol before I started using it again................ no wonder I am getting the results I am getting..... I thought it was me. Here's hoping BB can take a deep breath and work thru to a solution. Bill

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