1/32 CF-18 Hornet, 425 RCAF, Libya 2011

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Good stuff Cory. Maybe a mid-grey, towards the light end, very lightly dry-brushed on the edges of the thigh guards of the seat. Were the instrument panels black? Seems strange for a 'modern' cockpit - thought they's be light/mid grey.
There was a show on Discovery Channel, called Jetstream, that followed a bunch of Hornet pilot trainees with 410 Squadron. He was one of the trainees IIRC. I guess everyone picks a callsign for you by committee, you have no say in it. Needless to say his was the best! It was a really good show, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere to buy.

EDIT: I was correct.

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Yep, watched the whole thing and loved it. When they named "Blow", I thought it was hilarious and when I saw his plane at a Calgary display, I just had to get a pic.
Reminds me of a brand new, shiny black, Range Rover Sport I saw recently, driven by a gorgeous blonde woman. The registration plate was '1 BJ'. I nearly chocked laughing - and she saw me and smiled !
Know the feeling well Cory. I keep starting on the 'fiddly' bits for the P-47, then something else crops up needing my time. Bl**dy frustrating !
Ok guys, some pics! I've close up the cockpit section.

I kind of blew the join a bit at the back, but thankfully there isn't much detail to fix. I've been using this glue you actually put on the outside and it sets within seconds, and I was pressing the sides together too hard so there was a small ridge.

Had to remove these.

Next up are the intakes and engines actually. I have to figure out my plan of attack since I can't spray them right now, but want to continue. Will probably rattle can the intakes since this next part is white, but not sure what I'll do about the engines, since I was thinking of trying some various shades. I don't think this part will be all that visible but I haven't looked closely enough yet.

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