1:32 Hasegawa BF 109 G-14

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as said above, I'm almost at the end of this project.

Some pictures to update the w.i.p.

What do you think? I'm specially interested in your opinion on the oil leaks on the auxiliary tank, are them realistic or I should clean them off?
Last stem is the canopy; i'm still working on it.
Looking very nice Al I think this is probably in some regards your best effort I have seen Cheers
Very nice so far, although I agree about the oil leaks. I think a slightly thinner version, gently blown across and then feathered with a fine brush, would replicate the appearance of the actual tank.
Really nice work what did you use for the exhaust staining, iam getting ready to start mine so your build is inspiring.
Really nice work what did you use for the exhaust staining, iam getting ready to start mine so your build is inspiring.

Hi Woody, thanks for your comments.

There are sevral ways to do exhaust stains but what I did is the following:

1st I did several passes with the airbrush loaded with brunt umber oil color very much diluted with enamel thinner. (Turpentine shoud be used with oil colors but the thinner works well as well) I suggest to wait a few minutes between airbrush passes.
2nd I did the chipping of the paint using acrylic aluminum applied with a #000 brush and/or a #4 brush cut very short (2-3 mm)
3rd I applied some MIG black smoke pigment, wetted with its solvent, using a small round brush. Before it became totally dry I shaded it using a dry "cotton-fioc"

Hope it will be of some help

Just to add that the model was painted with acrylics including the two clear gloss coats before and after decals. This will permit to easily clean the enamel based stains if needed.
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here following are last pictures I took to my model:

First of all, I added the canopy

Then, as I was unhappy of the oil stains, I wanted to redo them but aftera few attempt that I judged still unsatisfactory, I decided to leave the auxiliary tank as it was before, dirty but with no stains.

I also have a question for modelers: so far I always used a very thin (1/10 of mm) nickel plated copper wire to do aerials but in this case it didn't worked well as I would like, because one support, the canopy, isn't strong enough to allow the right tensioning, what else can be used for aerials?

Many thanks in advance for any comment/suggestion.
Hi Alberto,
I use thin fishing line. It comes in various diameters. I mount it fairly flimsy than light a match blow it out and hold it carfully thereunder and the line streches. Can be repeated to the desired effect. Warning! Too much can mean that you loose the radiomast. Fishingline is strong!

Many thanks,
I followed your suggestion: I used 0,16 mm fishing line that I painted black then I added insulators, here the photos:

It by sure much better then before.

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