1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190D-9 "Black One"

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Doing some little things. I've already done the DF loop antenna so I thought I'd take of three other small bits...

Thinned the FuG antenna a little bit.

Cut the end off.

Drilled a small accepting hole into the end of the antenna base.

Superglued a piece of wire to replace the thick plastic that was removed.

Similar deal with the pitot tube.

I replaced the end with a section of thin brass tubing.

For the IFF antenna, I drilled the accepting hole in the bottom and used the existing antenna as a convenient grip. A small piece of stretch sprue was used this time.

After the replaced piece of sprue was attached, I cut off the unneeded end.

Here's how the IFF antenna fits into the fuselage bottom.

I'm being held up by this seam. It's taken multiple attempts to get this area cleaned up with a good pane line. If this attempt doesn't work, I will consider filling it and using a pen. Who says you can't teach old dog new tricks?
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Thanks gents! Comments are always appreciated!

A few more Dora tidbits to report. THAT pesky seam took most of my attention. It was a tedious matter of applying tiny bits of filler, waiting for it to cure, sanding and repeating. In the between times, I got a few more things done. The armored head rest has been painted.

I started on painting the main wheels. I've started on the metal wheel covers first, giving them a base coat of black.

After some weathering (brown wash and some pigment work. The tires have not yet been painted and weathered.


Here is the seam work to date. We'll give it a shot with primer to see where we stand.

Finally getting there.

Here is the other side. I think I'm ready to move on!
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Thanks kindly for checking in! Tiny update for you. I painted the tires. A mix of dark grey, black and a touch of brown. The wear surfaces were sprayed with a lighter grey and then some earthy tones. Finished the tires off with some dry pigments.


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Thank you for the comments! I'm not sure I like the look of the tires. I'll have to sit on that for a while... I may get the urge to wipe them clean and give it another try.

The larger bending tool still hasn't come so I'm just passing time by doing some little things. I fabricated some details on the landing gear actuating rods per my references. See the little post that is sticking up from one of the assemblies? That will hold the thin cable that was used to retract the tail wheel.

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I agree with everybody!!
The scratch work on the landing gear is beautiful and I also consider that the tires look good (in any case work a bit in the area of contact with the ground)

Felicidades John
Saludos. :salute:

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