1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190D-9 "Black One"

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Just a few photos to share... I've given the landing gear covers a flat coat and have completed the weathering by lightly spraying some thinned brown around the edges and applied some paint chips using brown and silver color pencils. The reddish brown circles around the landing gear attachment points represents puttied repair areas and is speculative on this aircraft but you tend to see this quite a bit on Doras. Black 1 had a long service life so I'm guessing that this type of wear may have been present.

Here's how the gear doors will look with the landing gear legs attached.
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Ah yes, Andy... I should've said primer. Not sure where I pulled "puttied" from. Probably because I'm in modeling mode.

A short update on the Dora. I'm still waiting on the replacement flap from Eduard to arrive so the build is in a holding pattern. But I went ahead and glued the flap attachment points, making sure that they lined up with the hinges on the flaps.

The attachment is a bit fiddly but the fact that I can get the flap into place without glue and snap a picture of it bodes well for future attachment.
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Thanks guys! I wish that other Eduard flap would arrive so that I could get on with this. I'm eager to see what the flaps will look like after painting.
The big Photobucket change caught me by surprise. It's devastating personally since I have over 11,000 images that I have uploaded to PB to participate on message boards like this and others. There is no way I can fix all of my posts so I will just have to accept the fact that those thousands of reports and posts that I have submitted over the years have been gutted. The content that has been lost on the internet due to this change is the biggest shame of all.

Since this is a current build, I may go through the trouble of fixing my previous posts but I'm not sure. In the meantime, I've set up on IMGUR and am ready to continue the build. Yesterday, I got the flap replacement from Eduard. Kudos to Eduard for their top quality service.

I was able to assemble both components with more confidence since I had the experience with the redundant set

The insides of the wings have already been thinned out prior to receiving the replacement flaps. Now that I've assembled the flaps, I can go on to painting them and then assembling the wings after that.
Those really look great installed! The PhotoBucket disaster has got to be one of the more egregious examples of corporate greed outside of the pharmaceutical industry in my personal memory. Be careful Imagr expressly prohibits linking as well they are just not strictly enforcing it yet. Have a read of their terms of service, they state quite clearly that if they detect it they can at their discretion delete your photos.

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