1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190D-9 "Black One"

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Thank you good sirs! Appreciate the comments as always. No big breakthroughs but I did a little more work on the drop tank this weekend. I played around with the MIG Scratches Effect to put some chipping on the ETC rack.

I put some fluid staining on the drop tank. I used a liquid pastel wash to paint thin streaks flowing back from the cap. I then wiped it off using a moistened paper towel. Because I did this on a flat coat, the streaks weren't completely removed. I repeated this about 3-4 times to get a layered effect.

Here is the drop tank friction-fitted to the bottom of the fuselage. The silver fuel line part still needs to be painted and weathered but for the most part, the drop tank assembly is complete and can be set aside for now.

Another look topside at the cockpit opening. I'm still debating how to depict the canopy. I don't think I can pull off the slack aerial look of the canopy in full-open position but I don't want to lose all of the detail that I've invested into the cockpit. I'm thinking about leaving the canopy partially open and have the aerial drooping slightly. I can always shut the canopy if I don't like the look of the aerial. That is my preliminary plan for now.
I also suffer the closing of the canopies, for the work invested in it.
Now, the work done in your cockpit and scale 1/32 ??, that would be painful.

Formidable trabajo hasta ahora Juan!!

Thanks for checking in! A little bit of work performed this week. Mostly prep work for the upcoming painting. The canopy is fully masked off for painting. Since I haven't quite decided how the canopy will be mounted, I am masking it off separately from the fuselage, which involves a little more effort in terms of masking. I've add small tabs near the front edge of the canopy to help pinch down the canopy a little if it is placed in the open position. The Dora's flexible canopy narrowed as it slid into the open position. The interior framing has already been masked off and painted dark grey.

It's time to attach the windscreen so the Revi gunsight is glued into place using white glue.

The windscreen is also attached using white glue. Fit is good but after a shot of primer, I may add some Milliput into any gaps.

A view into the cockpit with the windscreen in place.

After the windscreen is attached, I mask off the cockpit opening. Prior to this step, I've use the clear pieces as templates to cut these masks.

The canopy has been given three coats so far: interior RLM66, black and Alclad Polished Aluminum. The finish of Alclad is highly dependent on the base coat. This metal shade on the canopy is only for the chipping effect so it was sprayed on a semi matte black. It's suitable for my needs but it could've been much shinier if I had taken the effort to spray it on a gloss black base.
Nice one John. I find if you do hairspray chipping over a gloss base the paint comes off in big chips so good idea to spray the Alclad over semi matte black.
Thank you for the views and comments. It's been a few pages since I've last posted any meaningful work on the Dora. My enthusiasm for this project has not waned but I have been pulled in other directions as of late. The summer months have been quite busy for me with my oldest daughter leaving for college and the summer fishing season in full swing. September is the last month that Barrett Lake will be "officially" open for the year so coordinating those last one or two trips of the season will take precedence over modeling.

Painting Black One is officially on my door step as the next major task. I've not yet taken that step but have done things in preparation for that eventuality. After the metallic base coat on the canopy, I've sprayed it with the MiG Scratches effect and put on the RLM 82/83 shades.

I've also finished off the masking on the Dora. I used bits of foam packing cut to shape to mask off the wheel wells... first time using this method. I've also cut tape masks using the unused plastic flaps as templates to mask the flap openings.

I still need to perform some minor filling around the windscreen. After that... the painting begins. Black One, in terms of service life, was probably the longest serving Dora of the war. It was the first Dora delivered to a service unit and it survived to war's end until Hans Dortenmann personally detonated it with explosives rather than turn his dear mount over to the enemy. As a well-used machine, I want to perform some chipping on this bird but in the past, I've had trouble with the hairspray method when it is employed over multiple coats of paint. So I am mulling a change of order to the painting to help facilitate the chipping process. Perhaps doing the wings first so that I can chip the wing roots and then masking off the wings to paint the fuselage. That's the preliminary plan.

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