The P-35 went missing from my work room last night. Not the whole thing, just the port side with the cockpit scratched-in.
Now, there were two options; One, a rotten little chihuahua had climbed up and over several other things to get at that particular thing for her chewing enjoyment, (possible, but unlikely) or
Two, Aliens took it.
This was the explaination offered up by my 6 year old grandson and his side-kick, my 3 year old other grandson.
I found it awhile ago, in the toy box, pretty much destroyed, missing most of the scratched stuff.
I'm not mad, just curious as to why the Aliens left it there.
As a result I am withdrawing the P-35 from this G.B. I may try it again for the 1914-1939 build, but I just don't want to deal with it right now.
I will be installing an "Alien" proof latch high up on the door.