1/32 P-47D - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.

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The IP looked more like the G-version than a D so I did what I could to get her to a D/M by adding the lower panel w/switches some stencils and some pull bars(?).The belts are not the kit supplied but R&B productions took about two hours to assemble.I lost another friend last night knew my father-in law(33y) longer than my own father(20y).
Great work going on here Kevin and good inputs from Glenn. Hope that there are sunnier days ahead for you.
I hear you brother death always comes in three's at least the lore around my family so I am figuring my dog/friend for 18 1/2 years will be put down sometime this year probably sooner than later..Thks for comments fellas it's giving me alittle purpose and my mind off the drap of life for the time being. ;)
The engine is just sitting on there right now and I am waiting on some more stencils for the copit on this one.Did not worry about alot of the seams here since it will be hidden once enclosed.
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Wow... that's an interesting subassembly. I assume that much of this is going to be unseen like the intercooling ducts?
Yeah John hence the reason I did not go crazy on said seams.My dry transfers showed up today $7 for one special decal for this pit and others in the future.
Thks Glenn but that being said this Trumo kit is giving me fits esp in the engine cowling finally had to call it quits last night.The dry transfers did not work just to small of an area to be working in.I had ordered the Verliden sheet for the "No Hand Hold" for the gunsight and actually had my second attempt placed but the "Hand Hold" was a couple three inches low for the scale and said I can fix that ,12 attempts later and I ended up with nothing :(
I got the engine cowling to go Andy had to use the closed flaps to get it nice and secure.While it is interesting to have all those innards could of done well without it.The fit problems was probably me figuring nobody is ever going to see and made an issue in the engine area.
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