Thanks chaps,
Once I've put the drop tanks on and other odds and sods left to do I will take a better picture outside in natural light, as indoor pictures tend to effect the colours somewhat.
I don't know the shade either as I can only find a single war time picture of this aircraft and the green does appear dark.
I based the colour on the basis that a OD type green would be used as it would be easy to obtain.
I would say the stripes would be the same OD as the anti dazzle panel. The como scheme was only used for a brief period anyway as Kinnard kept getting bounced by other P51s mistaking him for an enemy AC. As by this time most USAF AC were NMF.
Nice build BTW.
Kinnard's 'top scheme's were all standard OD at the 355th FG. Suspect that the 'wave's on the wing and fuselage were the same as his OD anti glare panel but I will look for a color photo
Thanks Night Fighter Nut, it was a bit of a challenge what with fit and detail issues.
Anyway on to the next, the ICM 1/48 Spitfire Mk.IX which will be done in the kit markings of WgCdr Johnnie Johnson since I did an oil painting of it for a friend of mine who has emigrated to Canada.
I know it's been a while but I just received a photo of my Spitfire painting I did for a friend of mine who has just moved to Canada.
I know it's not great but I'm really only good at monochrome pencil drawings, so I'm still practising.