1:32 scale Lancaster Mk.1 Hachette Partworks

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Beautiful work Gerry. I feel bad as I was standing not 6 feet from our Nanton Lancaster's fabric elevators today and could have taken some great reference pics for you. I plan to be there again Tuesday night so if you want something photographed, let me know.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to post at this busy time of year.

Andy, I would appreciate a couple of shots of the elevators, if you're going to be there, just to see how obvious the fabric joins are.

Season's greetings,

Been a while since I've been on here Gerry, but FANTASTIC work mate!!!

In addition to Andy's upcoming pics, here's some I have:

Pics 1,6,7,8,9,10: Squadron/ Signal #5563: Lancaster Bomber Walk Around (Ron Mackay)
Pics 2,3,4,5,11: Great Aircraft of WWII: Avro Lancaster (Mike Spick)

Ok Gerry, here are my pics of the Nanton Lanc's elevators. My apologies for the quality as 1) I forgot my SLR and had to resort to my cell phone, 2) The hanger lighting is very poor so I had to increase the brightness in Photoshop.

Just in case you were interested, I also took one of the starboard aileron. These are also fabric but this example exhibits some damage with some of the tape peeling up and the trim tabs having been removed.

Well done Andy. Next time you're there, do you think you could sneak out the Lanc without anyone seeing, and send it over here? Piece by piece will do ...... or maybe not, as I have a house full of kits already !

What can I say, great work and some smashing references.

Evan, Thanks for those references, none of which I'd seen before. I was nearly caught out with the metal skinned elevators and ailerons - the magazine certainly was, and the BBMF Lancaster definitely carries them. Good to see you back on the forum. Still in Ireland?

Andy, thanks for those great shots. It's great to see that level of detail clearly and I'm sure they'll be invaluable to the overall knowledge on the subject for all Lanc builders. May have to do a bit more work on the trim tabs, as the wooden ones supplied seem crude in comparison to the real thing.

Thanks again everyone for your continued support of this project.

Any time Gerry. As I said, I have regular access to the Lanc so just shout if you need anything else. The only issue with the Nanton specimen is that it is not fully restored behind the cockpit. Though many of the parts are available, the team there has devoted their attention to getting all the engines running. Now that they are, we'll need to see what's next.
Great photos Andy!

No worries Gerry! Both good books, especially the walk around (though subjects are all restored examples - not 100% reliable for wartime layouts).
There is a bloody good documentary film you should see too, if you haven't already: 'Night Bombers'
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqQAA2rcBno

Btw, yep - still in Ireland, just haven't been able to hit Dublin for a while. Will definitely give you a yell when I do!
Season's Greetings!

Not much done in the run up to Christmas but, as we approach the end of Christmas Eve here in Ireland, may I wish everyone:

Nollaig Shona Daoibh agus ÁthBhliaIn faoi Mhaise.

A Very Happy Christmas and A Happy New Year to All.

For those who may not 'do' Christmas: Happy Holiday!

All the best Gerry, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the Lanc in the New year.
As for the Gaelic greeting - I couldn't pronounce that even after eleventeen pints of Guinness !!

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