No poking intended Bruce - only just spotted this bit, and I'm sure Wayne would rather be told - bear in mind that this is his first 'Spit', so no 'experience' of the type and its layout before.
Knowing Wayne's absolute attention to detail, I'd rather be chastised for nit-picking, than see Wayne be narked at getting things incorrect - especially if it cost points in a competition at some future date. Also, with this particular kit, where everything is as accurate as possible to the last degree, it deserves to be built and finished equally so, and areas such as this can make the difference between a great model, and a really superb model.
If situations were reversed, and I was building, for example, an 'Oscar', with little or no experience or knowledge of the type, then I would expect, and welcome, similar guidance from Wayne.
That's what this 'band of brothers' in this forum is all about, and long shall it remain so.
And I still think that green is too green - cough !!