1/32 Tamiya Birdcage Corsair with Resin P&W R-2800 engine

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Thanks Mates

Oils out once again, but for dry brushing now.

Rear wheel:

Main gear leg:

Frisket to mask the inside of the wheels, and H77 Tyre Black:

... Then another coat of toned down black (with grey) on the top and upper sides to start the weathering process.
Great to enhance the wonderful engraved surface of the Barracuda wheels: Thanks a lot Roy!!

Sorry for the pics with the Flash, but it's not easy to show the shades (or nuance?...) but that's the aim:

That can be seen on the tire on the background

Test fit of the complete tail wheel mechanism.

That's all.

Great work Pascal - I guess you missed my comment about what kind of lathe you have ? ( sorry I'm kind of obsessed with machine tools )

Thank you very much Mates!
Yep, I agree about the oleo, but I was too lazy to rebuild the scissors/torque links...

The installation continues slowly.
Final details and additions before closing the fuselage are underway.
This is also the time to check the various adjustments.

Here are the last changes in the cockpit:

The oxygen bottle is connected

Propeller and engine control rods are added on the Dashboard

...Then connected to the throttle quadrant

Lights were quickly turned, drilled, painted in black with the front face simulated using Kristal Klear and finally equipped with their power cords before being put in place on each side of the cockpit.

Few addition in the tailwheel bay too, but more as "trompe l'œil" (fooler?...) to give the impression of a busy bay.
Basically it is representative of what is actually contained in the real one, but without really trying to represent exactly.

Finally, the rudder pedals are equipped with their adjustment knob and the footrest "ramps" detailed with photo-etched reinforcements.

Voilà, voilà!
Not much, but things that I want to be here.


Thanks a lot for kind comments guys!

Started to detail the wheel wells...

... Still have a lot to do.
Flaps are also on the bench and will be detailed with PE.
Wings oil coolers will also be detailed with PE, but not the one provided in the kit.



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