1/32 Tamiya P-51D MUSTANG

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Ah, yes, I forgot it was the 'B' version. But loads of pics on the 'net, and I think I've got a goodly selection in some books too.
Just double check on your subject Jerry, as the Mustang IV was both the 'D' and 'K' variant, the latter, of course, having the Aeroproducts prop, and the 'Dallas' hood.
Oh, and of course, for a good reference, there's also Gary's cockpit. And the owner himself I'm sure can give you lots of first hand information - if you buy him a pint or six of Spitfire !
thanks guys, terry I will get the diamond tread tires. I started on the ignition wires this might take some time.
Are the kit tyres not suitable? Or are they those bl**dy awful vinyl things?
BTW, if you need to identify if a Mustang IV is a 'D' or a 'K', I think I have a serials listing I drew up some time back, showing which are which.
It puzzles me why a kit manufacturer will go to so much trouble to achieve accuracy, and precision parts, then spoil things by using those bl**dy awful, unrealistic, poorly fitting, hard to paint things, which can eventually degrade and make a mess. Especially for the price charged!
Are the kit tyres not suitable? Or are they those bl**dy awful vinyl things?
BTW, if you need to identify if a Mustang IV is a 'D' or a 'K', I think I have a serials listing I drew up some time back, showing which are which.

Terry I will be doing this one as KH655/QV-P 19 squadron.
Thanks guys, I got a start on the ignition wires I think there the correct size.

Yep, KH655 was a 'D' model, so you're fine there. Is this going to be overall 'Aluminium' laquered, with the blue and white nose checks?
The Squadron were based at Acklington, in Northumberland for a time, when they had the MkIV, and this was my 'local' RAF Station when I was a kid. I used to love going to the 'Battle of Britain Day' air shows, and got to look around the flight line at other times, as I had a relative Air Traffic in the Tower there.
I was going with the camo scheme but iam not having much luck finding pics of this aircraft or pilot.

I'll see what I can find, although I have slight doubts about the camouflage. I'd need to check, but by the time the MKIV was introduced to UK/North European RAF squadrons, they were being delivered in bare metal, sometimes painted 'Aluminium', and were normally un-camouflaged in service, being finished as per the specs I posted earlier, in the 'silver' lacquer. Further south in Italy, camouflaged airframes were certainly in use, but as far as I remember, I've only seen photos of 19 Sqn's MkIVs in 'silver'.
Talking to a coupe of RAF Mustang pilots a few years back, they seemed to remember the MKIVs arriving, to replace the MkIII (P-51B/C), in 'silver', and I have a photo and model of one of them in such a scheme.
Leave it with me, and I'll get back to you on this. But if you have any info concerning the colour scheme shown - where the info came from, dates, etc etc, it would help.
Good stuff Geo.
I've just checked a couple of references and, although the official specification called for the 'Aluminium' finish on the MkIV, there were some finished in camouflage, as evidenced by Geo's pic, and the one posted below.
This shows a newly- delivered MkIV (P-51K) of 19 Sqn at Peterhead in April, 1945,with the Sqn CO and pilots, but look at the left background, and there's a camouflaged MkIV (P-51D) of the same squadron.
This has got my interest going, as the pilots I mentioned earlier had all flown the 'K' variant, all in 'silver' finish, and I'm wondering if the Dallas-built 'K' was delivered in 'silver', with the Inglewood 'D' either delivered in camouflage, or painted in the UK. Perhaps it was even to enhance the performance of the 'K', as all the pilots I've spoken too remarked that the'K' didn't have the 'Oomph' of the 'D', presumably due to the Aeroproducts prop, as has been mentioned numerous times in various accounts?
Certainly later, all variants seemed to be in the painted silver finish, and I'm sure Xtradecal must have had solid information on which to base their decal sheet, although there are a couple of serial numbers on the sheet which are definitely 'K' variants.
Incidentally, on all variants/colour schemes in the Squadron, the nose and spinner were white, with mid-blue bands, and later, blue checks were added to the white nose band, aft of the spinner.


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