1/32 Vought F4U-1A Corsair Bubbletop.

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Happy Anniversary to both of you. Great details that have me wondering how the mating surfaces come together....
I've had the same thought Andy and this is the pick I have followed as best I can:

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:lol: :lol:
Thanks for popping in folks. Not much to show, I have all the bits ready for masking and painting, am hoping to get to this tomorrow, it is going to be a bitter cold day, so time spent in the house masking will be better than time in the garage spraying which I'll attack later in the day if all goes well.

The outer wings are only dry fitted for the moment but both look to be sitting well.
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I am thinking of displaying one side of the engine but I believe that the engine cowl only comes in upper and lower halves. This would mean that to do a one side display I would have to cheat and cut the cowls in half which would take away the authentication of the model. I'll have to chew on it.
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The propeller is huge when seen like this, I've sprayed the tips yellow over a white base and the rest of the blades silver. The tips will be masked and the rest sprayed black.
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That's about it folks. :lol: :lol:
Thanks gents.All main building done so were now at the colour me stage.

First stop an undercoat.
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Next a little bit of aluminium here and there just so as I can do a bit of chipping. She has also had a good spray with a very pongy hair spray.
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:lol: :lol:

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