1\48 Bf110 G2 of ZG1

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Nov 5, 2012
For this start to finish build i was lucky enough to have another knocked out moggie pic to start things off.


I will be building revell\monograms 1\48 Bf 110 G2 , with aires resin nose gun bay and cover, and Kagero Top Drawings # 10 Bf 110 decals.
The kit only has the later G2 nose so for this scheme i had to get the aires set even though i wont be posing this model open, i want the wasp intact for viewing. The decals where expensive but worth it , this particular plane was a BF110G2 of S9+LP of 6\ZG1 based in France autumn 1943. This 110 had the huge wasp on the nose and a decent sized which on a broom stick cartoon witch is a perfect example of the unique art of Luftwaffe planes.

The Aires kit was a dissapointment because the main piece that i needed, the gun hood or cover for the four Mg 17s was almost so thin it was missing in small areas towards the pour block... i used a little bit of acrylic epoxy to thicken it up before i removed it.
All the other parts where very well detailed and cast. I dont plan on displaying the gun bay because i really want to display the wasp intact. We shall see what i use from the resin kit parts. This kit had many parts already loose so not all trees are complete but you get the idea.

The Kit parts seem to be well detailed as far as being very crisp, detail on exterior is nicely done , crisp panel lines, raised detail, rivet detail, and includes two drop tanks, MG 151 x 2 in a tub is included, Wgr 21s. The only downside is flashing on a lot of parts, and thick clear parts. I chose the wrong revell G2 also , they make a ZG1 wespen specially for those who want the wasp scheme, it also includes three nose options from what i understand. I got this particular version in a trade and wanted badly to build the one with witch on a broom stick scheme so here goes everything im gonna use has arrived.
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Here is the small amount of work i have done. I cut the kit nose top off , removed the resin hood and cleaned them up a bit. im sure they are going to need filler another reason i really doubt i will utilize any of the gun bay detail. Good thing i only payed 6 dollars for the Aires set. I also have been working on a base for this model while i wait for supplies to arrive. Ill share the progress of the base as i add things to it . I want to add some patches of grass , puddles , and a little light snow.
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Looking forward to your build Jason. I have some left over bits from my Eduard 110 kit that you are welcome to. If the gun cowl cover gives you any more trouble, I can send you mine which is actually for the E model. It has the small air scoop that can easily be sanded off.

Those Wespe decals might give you troubles as well, especially the head, because of the tight curves around the nose of the model. I'd recommend you consider cutting them up into smaller pieces that will be easier to manipulate.
Lol Paul the dog did it. Andy thats what I vet for taking to long to email you. What really sucks is if I did ask you before I could have saved on buying Aires set.... Because I need the airscoop hood according to my profiles. I was waiting to see where I could use help the most. Ill be sending you some mail in less than 24 hours. I appreciate your kindness a lot . That goes for everyone here very nice people seem to check out my builds . If anyone neds anything luftwaffe its worth a try asking me I saved a decent amount of extras ...just not 110 stuff. I have built the revell g 4 as a young man loved the kit but butchered it. Thanks again ill update soon and b in touch Andy.
Heres a picture of a Me 110 with a wicked eagle head on the nose... one day ide like to try and do this with with an airbrush and some hand painting. Andy sent you an Email i hope it wasnt too "all over the place" .


  • Bf110_with_Eagle_Head.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 310
Heres a picture of a Me 110 with a wicked eagle head on the nose... one day ide like to try and do this with with an airbrush and some hand painting. Andy sent you an Email i hope it wasnt too "all over the place" .

Is that a 13 on the tail. If so where's Jan.
Hey ellis sorry i didnt reply earlier, it is a white 13 on the tail fin . I dont have the link on hand but if you or anyone wants to see a small article , its in the ME 110 section at the Falkeins blogspot ... Ill post a link when i can go on and copy it. Heres what i got done so far on this 110. I started off by trying out my new pin vise with micro bits, so i tried to see about making the exaust look better by drilling the ends open. I used the smallest drill bit to make holes in the end of the MG81z, which is nicely detailed OOB. I then removed all cockpit parts and cleaned and sanded them, shot them RLM 66. While this dried I cleaned up the engines , wings, fuselage, tail assembly and assembled them. Flasing is on many of the parts and slows down the clean up but not by very much. Not worth getting upset over in my opinion, because fit is good and detail is crisp and clean. The one benefit to having the overpriced kagero book is comparing kit parts to independent scale drawings. Ive heard a lot of complaints about revells engines being too small, and in fact that seems true by my drawings. This is in height not width, they appear to be spot on if not a little fatter exhaust to exhaust width wise. I cant really see this worth fixing, if it bothers you buy the eduard kit, ive heard its very good but usual fit problems. The cockpit detail by revell is very crisp and good in my opinion. All thats dones is some basic black on stuff,when i pick out all my bits and colors i will touch up everywhere i got paint on. The black is a little messy so far. I try to be clean as possible but sometimes when drybrushing or detailing but its just easier to get the dials and wires painted then go back and touch up around them, because once touched up and black wash is added it will all be sharp again. When i get everything detailed and touched up ill post the pictures hopefully tomorrow. This kit builds very fast for a two engine fighter. I can tell it will be ready to paint camo very soon.

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Im not sure what the deal is with 13s but... the answer to his question is yes that is a 13 on the tail fin of the eagle nosed 110. Im new , its crazy to see how many members been on this board for like 4 plus years.
My internet modeling days went back to highschool in 2002 which for most was modeling madeness hyperscale and ARC. Now since ive jumped back in there are so many groups and sites i dont know whats what. Im pretty loyal to just this forum, sometimes i post on hyperscales forum if i feel the need.
Just to do with my username, then it went, well.....overboard! As you can see with my '13' thread. :lol:

Looking forward to the build, it's not a bad kit this one...

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