1/48 Bristol Beaufighter MkVI - Mediterranean Theatre of Operations

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I agree, much better indeed. As for the formula, mix the next batch to look like the first, and if it's close enough, it's good enough !
There's too much b*ll*cks talked about exact colour shades sometimes, when in reality, apart from the 'scale effect', even modern-day aircraft can have a variation in shade due to many, many things.
The basic rule is - "If it looks right, it is right" !

Thanks Terry

I also have to be realistic about my current skill level. Its all a learning process. I will get this as good as I can, enjoy doing it and move on to the next one which will be hopefully be better

I do the group builds for fun, help , tips and motivation not with the expectation of winning or suddenly turning out work like the best on here. However in 6 or 10 builds time I hope to look back and see the progress ….
Keep plucking away. As someone who has recently returned to model building ( 1 year ago) I can see and have received many comments on the progression of my efforts. Like all things in life, the more you take part, the better you get.

Nothing wrong with this effort for sure. I like it.

I kinda need the whole set from the box, the whole lot are totally unuseable, so I may just go into hannants and rummage

this is the danger of being pretty close to hannants
So, if you are saying the whole sheet is unusable because one decal fell apart, there's still hope. Spray the decal sheet with an acrylic gloss coat (commercial decal preservers are also available) and see if you can salvage the rest. Then it's down to replacing the ones that crapped out on you and there are lots of guys here willing to send you spares.
Cheers Andy, i think its pretty much every decal on the sheet. Never happened before, had the odd one break but these just crumble to a million pieces as they hit the water.

I should have stopped and tried some acrylic gloss but I had forgotten that trick . Hannants has a few sheets of beau decals for a fiver and I need to start to build up a reserve for these emergencies .

If I was just one roundel or something short then I would ask for people to raid their spares stash but I fear its worse than that..
Thanks, I may pick something more unusual as the paint needs help and the decals were mean to me ..

All is not lost, the beau will be finished. Thanks for the offers of help
well some alternate decals have arrived. less happily my dad is pretty sick at the moment so most evenings are spent visiting the hospital though i will doa bit of modelling where i can on this and the 109 in the odd minutes I have
Sorry to hear that Dave....Say "G'day mate and get well" to him for me, let him know an Aussie from down under sends his good wishes!

hopefully it will make him smile and not think I'm a nutcase!

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