1/48 Bristol Beaufighter VIF - Night War of WWII

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Master Sergeant
User Name: Ozhawk40
Name: Peter
Category: Advanced
Kit: Tamiya
Aircraft: Bristol Beaufighter VIF V8447, 89 Squadron, Malta
Crew: F/Lt Merv Shipard and Sgt Douglas Oxby
Accessories: PD Decals, Resin wheels, Hedgehog Exhaust, some scratch.


  • slippery ship 2 and crew 1 800.jpg
    slippery ship 2 and crew 1 800.jpg
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Great Karl! I find all this early electronic warefare and radar a fascinationg part of WWII history. Should be a very interesting project Karl.

Yeah, me too, just got to nail down some sqn codes, which is proving difficult as few if no pictures exist of that time period.
Hoping the two books i have coming might throw me a clue !
Very cool subject! It looks like we'll have quite a selection of twin engine night fighters!
Looking forward to this. I'll look through my books Karl.


EDIT: found one pic Karl; it's a Mk. VIf TW-T, s/n V8253, yours if you want it.
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