1/48 Bristol Blenheim Mk IV. - Defense Of Britain/Atlantic.

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There were two gun packs with Browning 7,7mm machine guns . The "A" one, more flat, for the Blenheim Mk.IF variant and the "B" one for Mk.IVF plane.

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Thanks Wurger! That's exactly what I was looking for.
The Gun pack that comes with the kit is the "b" type, where the Coastal Command Mk IV carried the "a" type.

From what I can see and perhaps conclude is that both have the same dimensions, but that the "b" type has an extra "box" attached" so the guns sit lower. I think I can scratch build the "a" type, using the "b" as a guide.

edit: I came to the conclusion I can make an "a" type from the "b" type gun pack by cutting off the extra "box". I'd just have to make new mounts for the barrels of the guns and add some detail.

The gunpack was cut down and wet sanded on the fuselage in order to get a correct fit. The resin part itself had a flat base, where the fuselage is not flat. Therefor this was the best method to get a fitting shape for this part.




I assume the pilot had a gun sight for the gun pack that was mounted on on the nose?

I also started painting the cockpit and turret parts yesterday. Starting with a dark grey base coat, followed by some interior green.
This is just the base, still a bit too dark for RAF interior green. But I'm working on that.
I'm amazed by just how detailed the cockpit parts are. These are among Classic Airframes best I've seen so far.




I also took a second good look at the turret and the fuselage surroundings and it looks I'm in for a bit of extra work there. But looking over the kits parts again, I think it can be done with minor surgery, or at least I hope so...

The parts need some extra detail, but it's a start. I guess I can modify the kit part and scallop it as per reference.

pics are a bit over saturated, but it's the only way to show the details of the wheel bay


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The gunsight was the one attached to the cockpit canopy frame (39) and the external fixed foresight (32).







Good stuff.
It appears that the Blenheim used a darker green than the normal RAF Grey Green, as shown in the pics posted by Wojtek, and those below.
However, bear in mind this is the cockpit removed from the crashed Blenheim at Duxford (now flying again with a 'short' nose, as a F.Mk.1), so not sure if it's correct. Some wartime pics appear to show a lighter colour, possibly the Grey Green, but ARC, who rebuilt the Blenheim both times, normally get things right for the small details.
Therefore, a colour close to either of the options would probably be fine.
Note that the final photo below, rather poor due to all the reflections, shows the swivel seat for the Navigator, attached to the map table support stanchion, swung under the table. The seat was a circular stool, with a brown canvas cover, the shade similar to Dark Earth, perhaps a touch lighter. The pic was taken looking through the port side of the 'V' shaped nose windows.
Hope these help.
Almost forgot to add - the rectangular panel seen in some shots in the nose, is the cover for the floor escape hatch, resting against the Nav table.


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Wow, SUPER thanks for all the reference pictures and explanations of the Blenheim Mk IV/Bollingbroke cockpit. This is most useful!!!

At the moment, I might leave the color of the cockpit a bit darker, as it is. Perhaps a bit lighter grey/green for the sides of the cockpit to create some extra depth.

So far the only problem remaining is the absence of the side blisters on the clear parts of the CA kit. I'm aware that earlier Blenheim's did not have these, but most wartime pics show Blenheim's with these blisters.
Though it seams like an awful lot of work to make molds for these and vacu form these for the kit. The jury is still out on this....

I'm still hoping to find an actual picture of EE H (which hopefully sheds some light on this issue)
Not that I'm that concerned about this, but it's always more pleasing to get things right the first time ;)

I'm gonna have to rescribe a great deal of panel lines as the ones on the kit are most shallow. (And I already lost some while sanding the fuselage...) But that's what to expect from a short run kit like this. The extra mile is where the satisfaction lies I guess...
The gunpack of the 404th sqdn Blenheim EE-M.



and the next image of it...


the dorsal gun turret ..


I think thse shots are of the same Blenheim... the window blister can be seen ..




and possible the another one Blenheim ... but it can be still the same...



Pic source: 404 Squadron RCAF - Image Gallery
Incredible...I can't believe you actually found pictures of these blenheim's....
You never stop to amaze me....

Anyway, this is great reference material. I noticed there is a "wave" formed fuselage plate in front of the gunpack. At first I thought these were shackles for bombs. Is it some kind of deflection shield, for the gun blasts?

I also noticed that the gunpack on "EE M" looks different from those on the drawings. Indeed "a" type, but the blisters at the side are absent. Also the profile of the casing is more rounded. Again interesting...

"EE M" looks a good candidate I assume it's serial no is "Z8035"?
I quiet like it "worn" appearance. And the blister at starboard? side seams to have been repaired, interesting detail.
It also looks as if the side window blisters were an modification on this airframe. (It's these little details that get me more and more interested. For some reason building an existing aircraft from photos is somewhat reassuring and a nice bonus as a modeler)

And the "hedgehog" exhaust will also prove challenging, but a worhtwhile addition . These are not included with the kit.
But perhaps there are aftermarket ones available.

On the other hand, it means a less quicker build....
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One other observation on EE-M...she's also fitted with the gun trough in front of the gun pack. This was fitted to MkIf airframes that had the shallower gun pack, presumably to protect the lower fuselage from muzzle flash/pressure. However, as these pics show, it was occasionally fitted to MkIVf airframes. Most MkIVfs didn't have this feature, though.
I won't be able to finish this one in time. Work has got a bit hectic as of late and even though I would love to finish the Blenheim, I won't happen for now. I hope to pick this build back up after the holidays are over. I need to order some hedgehog exhaust, montex masks etc...

But since you guys were so helpful in providing me with all the necessary documentation, I will pick it up for sure!
Shame about the holdup Jerry. There is a twin engine GB coming up later next year where if the other judges and members agree could be you opportunity to finish this one.

Just a thought.
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