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And now the fusey. 5 miniutes on it, and an hour........ or two off...... I'm finding it confusing.

I think one has to do it once before one really understands it. I don't understand it yet.


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I feel your pain brother, I have started on the Heinkel again and it took me a half hour to sort out what I was doing!
I think the solution is to start and then don't take a break. (Except for maybe a slight libation; Hey, it was good enough for Harry Truman!)
Paul, I could Never do this thing in one sitting........ remember I'm old, and my nerves go South in a flash!

Andy, them things is as scrambled as my brain.

Thanks Woody, it's awfly kind of you.........

Vic, you're too optimistic.


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I see all them wyers (rhymes with plyers), Bill. How can you tell where one ends and the other begins ? I guess I'll find out when I get to the riggin' on my F3F. For the record..... you're doing good just to keep your sanity, Mate !

My sanity is lonnnnng gone.
I can only thread so many wyers before I have to stop. Try 2!

One thing I can recommend, if you're gonna put a loopy thing in to thread thru, After it is installed, make sure you see the SIDE view of the loop when it's super glued in, OR you will have to thread towards the wing/fusey/ whatever. You gotta hold the end of the thread with pointed tweezers about 1/4" back from the end so you get enough thru the loop to grab and pull thru.

Then I found I had to attach the loop and turnbuckle made up piece to the crank for the elevators. I did not drill a hole for this BEfore I attached the cranks. So I had to drill, .35mm, thru the ends with them in place. I need another drink, but I can't, cuz I have no more room for one. I also had to drill a hole thru the arms at the elevators. The wyres go from them to the crank up front. I put a dab of SG at the arms and am gonna put another piece of tubing in the line to join the two pieces of wire from these.

I'm bl00dy sh!t worn out and it's just 11.45 a.m.!


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