1/48 F-35B VMFA-211 Wake Island Avengers

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
These guys are the descendants of the Marine Sqn on Wake Island 1944.
I did a pair of F4F's flown by Carl Davidson GB-41. Thought it would be a
nice addition to my cabinet. If size matter, wow, what a diff in both!!!!!
GB21_F4F_28.jpgS2F F-35B 0.jpg
Done some assembly already, post when I do some painting.
Re-posting below from "What Annoyed You Today", should be my first post here!

Okay, I'm just a bit tired of Non fitting kits! or is it just me?????
So I got a Kittyhawk F-35B and want to build #9 from VMFA-211, on the HMS Queen Elizabeth.
The one above.

I built a Davidson F-4F Wake Island from this same Sqn.
What is Annoying me you ask!
1. Broken part in the bag, unopened.
Proudly mfd in CHINA 2012! Why China I ask!!!!!!!
S2F F-35B 1.jpgS2F F-35B 2.jpg
Parts don't fit. The disk is too thick, and to large in diameter.
So it is necessary to Taper the edge, and make sure to file off the tree tabs.
S2F F-35B 3.jpg
I make copies of the instructions and make notes.
The green tells me I have cut them off the tree, the red that it's been glued up.
But in this case if I had followed instructions Nothing would have fit in the fuselage.
I had attached some before I checked, then had to tear them apart.
S2F F-35B 4.jpgS2F F-35B 5.jpg
Isn't modeling FUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!
Non of the Internal stuff is visible anyways!!!!!!!!
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So I am doing assembly block by block as in the instructions, order is of no consequence.
Then................................... these things outlined in red show up. No parts, nothing telling me what they are!
S2F F-35B 6.jpg
And by the looks of the photos of VMFA-211 planes aboard the HMAS Q.E.
The wing pylons must be easy to R&R, cuz they are on then off some of the AC.
AC 09 has the outer under wing pylons with rockets attached, and IN THE KIT!
Not sure, but whatever they are supposed to represent, there badly done.

This may help. You have a lot to choose from. :D
Okay........... new complaint.
This calls for F8 and F27. Okay.
Now on the underside of F27 izza groove fits over the width of F8 in the gap.
I have F27 oriented for the groove to align on the part. Pins are clearly out of sinc!
This assembly izza Mirror for the opposite wing as the bottom where the rocket mounts points Outward from the fuselage.
So assembly is impossible until I can get the wigs assembled and confirm the rockets correct position!
S2F F-35B 7.jpg
And so On it goes.
Methinks China must have done some Alterations cuz I have never had this problem with Other Kitty Hawk kits!!!!!!
At least the rockets are in the kit!
So now I am assembling the wings parts, port and starboard.
Now I'm not sure of the Placement of or the Scale of the tip pylons.
Investigating. Most likely I am wrong and confused. Just making sure it is right.
so now I have a photo from Marvin Engineering Co website of the outer pylon.
Campare that with my "assembly" and what do you think?
I say the kit parts are way too big and out of place.
The mounting plate is centered on the clearance light.
Gotta do some changing!!!! methinks!
S2F F-35B 8.jpg
S2F F-35B 9.jpg
And I'm only on the First page of this build...........
Now f'n splain me THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the photo below, I amashowin the bottom mating part of the wings
to the fuselage bottom half. By the arrows the wings rotate up matching
"pins" to lugs??????? How do I get lugs to match to LUGS???????
Am I missing something????? I do on occasion get confused only
to discover I m the one at fault, but this kit has me by the short hairs!!!!!
Am I supposed to add pins to one part??? I dunno.
Plus the fact the other three lugs have nothing to match to!
S2F F-35B 10.jpg
I think I would be drilling holes in these (providing they do match up) and sticking rods through. At least this way you're assured of secure hold. I note that you have a lot more of these 'lugs' dotted over the model.

You do have an alternative Bill, but this would involve the garbage collector and then you will have to work out if it's recycle or land fill. 😂

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