1st Lieutenant
User name, Meatloaf109
Name, Paul
Scale, 1/48
Manufacturer, Lindberg
Model type, Lockheed F-94C Starfire
This is one of the old Lindberg line, sparce on detail, sparce on accuracy.
It will probably take a long time as I will be using it as filler from Group Builds.
I will find as many detail photos as I can and then try to duplicate the stuff.
Name, Paul
Scale, 1/48
Manufacturer, Lindberg
Model type, Lockheed F-94C Starfire
This is one of the old Lindberg line, sparce on detail, sparce on accuracy.
It will probably take a long time as I will be using it as filler from Group Builds.
I will find as many detail photos as I can and then try to duplicate the stuff.