1/48 F4F-3 - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Its gonna be a bit of a struggle for a few weeks. We MAY HAVE just bought an apartment and will be in a whirlwind for a while. Moving in around the sixth of April, MAYBE. Aaaargh, moving!
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Nor do I......................
Am just getting prices for movers, the heavy stuff.
Since in only about 10 miles up the road we are planning on moving the small stuff after the big stuff is gone.

F4F will take a back seat for a month I think.
Mar 31 the movers come. Just gotta throw some stuff on eBay,
and peddle some other things locally........

The kit stays with me, thank you.
Bill, have fun with that move. How did Tim Allen put it? I can move again or pound my testicles flat with a mallet.... pass the mallet!

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