1/48 FW190A-5 Hans Philipp's "Miinke Pinke'

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Tech Sergeant
Hi guys,

I took some time off for a bit after the Ki-61 project but have decided to jump back in with a new build. My recent interest has been in FW190's and having picked up some of the Kagero top colors books and the most recent Valient wings FW190 book I decided that for my first 190 build I would do Hans Philipp's Wurger which he named after his 2 Dachshunds Minke and Pinke.

Philipp was the Geschwader Kommodore of JG1 flying defense of the Reich missions over the North Sea and Northern Germany.
He was KIA October 8, 1943 when, after shooting down a Thunderbolt and a B17 for his 205th and 206th kills, his 190 was hit. Philipp attempted to bailout but died when his parachute failed to open.

For the this build I selected Eduard's FW190A-5 Profi-pack kit.

And here is the profile I am going to attempt to do

This build is not going to be a step by step build in terms of postings but more a modular build e.g. instead of posting updates on the attachment of the cockpit seat, then the harness then the instrument panel I am going to post more of, here is the cockpit complete in one or 2 posts.

Having said that I hope you folks will check in once and a while and see how I am doing. My references are pretty good but any suggestions for increasing accuracy would be most welcomed.

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Just got issue 23 of Luftwaffe im Focus and they do a 2 or 3 page spread on this very aircraft, though they suggest it was named after the second life of a popular nursery rhyme.
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Just got issue 24 of Luftwaffe im Focus and they do a 2 or 3 page spread on this very aircraft, though they suggest it was named after the second life of a popular nursery rhyme.

You meant the vol.23. I have found a shot of a page of the publication via the net.

And there is an enlarged image that can come in handy too.

Thanks Gents much appreciated.


Yes the Rlm 66 is a bit heavy on the blue. I considered that when I was thinking of whether to use the PE parts. However, the detail on them is excellent and quite accurate(sans the colour) so given this trade off I decided to go for the detail. I used lifecolor's RLM 66 for the rest of the pit.

Also, I painted the rudder control lines yellow but the colour yellow denoted fuel by Luftwaffe standards so I am going to repaint them. You won't see them once everything is closed up but what the heck.

Thanks for the input and another helpful reference. You know in terms of the name you could be right Vick. Philipp could have named his dogs after the fairy tale? I saw a video on YouTube on Luftwaffe mascots(probably from a wochenschau movie reel) and there is some footage of Philipp holding one of dogs while another officer walks up to him holding the other.
Hi Guys,

Its thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and thus a long weekend for most of us. As such I have been able to make some decent progress on the build with the extra day off.
I have a commission going for a 68 Firebird so I have been working on that too. Just finished the engine on it and so was able to turn my attention back to the Wurger.

I have been scouting around the net for build's of the eduard A5 and realized that the the stage I am at has some potential pitfalls.
I found that the cockpit floor is too wide to make the fuselage halves come together properly to allow the MG cover to fit properly. It's too wide at this point.
Also, as I am going to have the MG cover closed the MG housings sit too high when installed not allowing you to install the cover cover properly. Thus is if you followed the eduard instructions the cover wouldn't fit width wise or height wise. Man did Eduard screw the pooch on this one. It kind of looks like they designed this part of kit to have the MG cover posed open.

So having said that I had to do some dry fitting and cutting and dry fitting and cutting to get everything to come together properly. This was made more problematic as I had already finished the pit and had to be careful I didn't break anything off whilst engaged in this effort. Word of advice, dry fit the unfinished cockpit, firewall and MG mounts and do your cuts beforehand. Oh and don't fit the MG's either. If you are going to use the kit barrels cut them off and place them under the cover. I have a set of metal barrels so I will use them instead.

Here's some pics to show you what I mean with the final result showing the pit together and the MG cover now fitting nice and snug horizontally and vertically.

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