Thank you all for your comments. I think I am on the right track toward improving my skill level.
I am going to attempt a vignette with this one rather than just pics. I ordered a charge cart and ground crew from Tamiya and I am looking at doing a base for it as well.
JG1 Flew out of Jever Airfield during this period and I have tried to find pictures of the airfield on the net. A couple I have seen seem to show miminal concrete hardstands. It kind of looks like the airfield was mostly grass. i would imagine other than the airstrip, the hangers and areas around them would be concrete?? Thus I am not sure at this point if I should have the aircraft sit on a planking hardstand or concrete hardstand. Thoughts?
Been a bit tied up with other things as of late. Have been working on some final weathering of the Wurger. Here's a shot of the underside. Used Mig Pigments Gulf war sand, highly thinned to add some dirt to the underside fuselage. Gun staining was done with some thinned Tamiya smoke. Pigments were used on the tires as well.