1/48 HB TBM-1C Avenger MkII British Pacific Fleet

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Thanks lads! Well going to get cracking on some landing gear here soon, starts off with dry fitting and glueing the assemblies together, prepping the resin wheels, and Im thinking of taking a stab at scratch built brake lines. Back to the books and my photos of the full size Avenger of those components. It may be a few days till some photos pop up but rest assured Im working or researching (first time adding scratch built brake lines)...
I agree with Paul. I use lead wire (basically the same as solder), available in various gauges. Great for brake lines, and various hoses and pipes, where more 'bend' is needed than can be had with copper wire.
Depends on what's needed, but on the Sea Fury, I've used two sizes, 0.3mm and 0.4mm, to replicate the different hose and pipe sizes. These are available from 'Plus Model', in gauges from 0.2mm to 1 mm, rising in sizes 0,2. 0.3. 0.4 etc.. There are around 20 to 25 lengths in a packet, each one being at least 6 inches or more in length, and the 0.3mm cost £1.25 per packet.
The company also supply lead foil, ideal for seat belts and other 'fabric' type requirements. Of course, if you need just one size for everything, say 0.5mm, then a reel of lead solder might work out cheaper, but for the price of the Plus Model stuff, readily available at my LHS, it saved having to search out solder in the right sizes.
I model exclusively in 1/48 and have not found solder fine enough for brake lines. I've now settled on using pre-painted copper wire that is available in craft stores in the "beads" area. You can get a spool of the stuff in 0.4mm diameter already painted black for the rubber length. For any stainless steel tube sections, I've had an old stash of stainless steel wire of similar diameter which suits quite nicely but is tougher to shape, although these are often straight anyway on the real aircraft.

Well this kit is waiting on some ordered replacement parts, some sliding windows.. Hopefully parts come in time for the deadline...
I have an abundance of the Accurate Miniatures kits, Hobby Boss was only three..

this kit is out of the running the parts will not be here in time..
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