1/48 Me-410 B-6/R2 - OOB (Out of Box) unofficial GB-2015.

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
Username: GrauGeist
First name: Dave
Category: Amateur (Deer-in-the-headlights level)
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Revell - Pro Modeler Series
Model Type: Me410B-6/R2

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Well guys, your all to blame for this...so we'll see how this turns out

It's been years since I've peeled open a premium kit and I have to say, the joy of peeling the plastic and peering inside is just about the same now as it was "back in the day".

This is a nice kit, lots of stuff going on in there and I see that there's an included photo-etch option, so that's an added bonus.

I would have honestly preferred the Me410 with the Bk5, but hobby shops that carry model kits in this area are nearly non-existant and this was the only Luftwaffe kit around, so this will have to do!

I won't be able to get underway directly, as I have to set up a workspace and assess just what shape all my supplies are in (paint, glue, etc. etc.), chances are, I'll have to replace it all.

Anyway, here's some photos of the project:

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Great stuff David ! If you decide to add a bit of extra detail, let me know, as I took some shots of the '410 at Cosford for Andy a couple of years back. If it wasn't for the fact that i have more kits than probable years left to me, I'd do one of these too.
Thanks guys, this should be an interesting adventure!

I have often thought about buying this kit so I will make sure I keep a close eye and read intently your thoughts of it...
So far, the kit looks to have well detailed and fitting parts and there is a minimum of flashing to contend with...

Great stuff David ! If you decide to add a bit of extra detail, let me know, as I took some shots of the '410 at Cosford for Andy a couple of years back...
Thanks Terry, I'll keep that in mind, but for now, I am planning to keep it as simple as possible (who knows, I might get brave as the kit progresses!)

...But the question is - antenna radar plan plastic from the set?
Good question and turns out that the kit relies on the Photo-Etched parts for the 550MHz array, only. There is no plastic option.

There is, however, the option to paint the cockpit instruments and components if a person decided to omit the Photo-Etched parts.

And here's some (much better) photos of the kit:
First, here's the Photo-Etch plates. You'll notice the upper plate is the required 550MHz antenna array and the second plate, is the optional cockpit instruments and components.

In this second photo, is the canopy and other clear items. There seems to be little distortion and really nice detail...so far so good...

And this last photo shows both the really nice detail as well as showing the only flashing in the whole kit. You can see it along the upper right corner of the sprue. Virtually no flashing on any of the parts.

So all things considered, it looks like this is a quality kit and should be a good build.
Welcome back to modelling GrauGeist! If you ever think your model looks bad look at my Junkers Ju88 I did for GB23! (Well by my standards it didn't turn out very well) I only started modelling in December 2012 so I still know the feeling of opening the box and feeling excited.
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Hey Dave, check out the sprue with the wings on it. If it's like my kit there should be a BK5 supplied. If you want ot build one with the canon, I have an extra one but no decals.

i hadn't noticed the extras until you mentioned that!

There's actually quite a few options not shown in the instructions:
The BK5, Wfr. Gr. 21 rocket tubes (and rockets), options for dual 20mm, 4 20mm and what appears to be a twin 30mm Mk103 set up...

Problem is, the instructions are specific to the nightfighter and omit mention or detail regarding the options...
Glad you found the part. I agree the instructions don't show the parts but it would not be hard to do. I can help with questions but your issue will be finding decals for that version unless you just want to do a fictional one and use the decals you have.

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