Thanks Michael and Grant.
Nearly at the finished stage.
I ended up giving that 'bloomed' clear matt area a thin coat of paint, in a patchy manner, and then, when dry, sprayed another thin coat of clear matt, which seems to have worked (time will tell), and gives it a slightly weathered look, which will have to suffice.
Meanwhile, the undercart was retouched and the doors fitted, along with the exhausts, and some light exhaust staining and dirt on the wing roots has been added.
Props are assembled and painted, though not yet fitted, and a start has been made on the underside I.D. lamps.
PIC 1. Undercart and exhausts in place.
PIC 2. The modified props after assembly and painting. Some edge weathering has yet to be added to the prop blades - and the dust removed from the spinners !!
PIC 3. The I.D. lamps were previously countersunk, and have been painted silver. These will then be glazed with Humbrol Clear Fix and, when set, the colours will be applied using Tamiya clear red, blue and yellow.
PIC 4. How it looks so far, up on its legs.
Next step is to do some minor re-touching, and then clean those areas where dust and / or handling have left blemishes, before fitting the final small bits and pieces, and adding the antenna wire.
All being well, I hope to get this finished within the next couple of days, and then get back to work on the Mosquito FB.VI.