Thanks very much chaps.
With the FB.VI ready for primer, I've decided to crack on with the PR.IX, and get it to the same stage, so that they can both be primed at the same time.
The nacelles are done, with the vents carved, the carb intakes done, cowling fasteners added, and those extra panel lines eliminated. A thin coat of primer was brushed on, to check the 'Milliput' work and, apart from the need for some very light sanding on the intercooler vents, they've turned out well. The final details will be done with pencil, after the painting stage.
I started to prepare the main undercarriage legs, by thinning and opening out the door guards, and I was relieved to learn that the PR.IX had the same, earlier style guards as the B.IV and FB.VI, so the extra braces don't need to be added.
The main legs are simplified, lacking the retraction jacks, but as these can't be seen anyway, with the doors in place, they're acceptable enough, and are otherwise quite nicely detailed. and include the door wire roller guides. No further detail will be added, other than brake lines, as again, most, if not all of it, won't be visible.
I was going to assemble and attach the main gear legs, as per the instructions, but having done a test fit of the wings, with the 'new' and 'old' parts, I foresee a lot of fiddling, packing and forcing, which could easily damage the legs, so, although it will be extremely fiddly, the gear will be attached after the model has been painted, which should also make painting the model a lot easier.
The 'new' parts, made in India, certainly don't seem to have been designed and made to the same plans, as the fit is, at best, rather like a cheap suit, and the sprue attachment points would do credit to a giant redwood !
PIC 1. The nacelles primed, and just requiring very light sanding on the intercooler vents.
PIC 2. Preparing the main gear legs, with the door guards in the process of being thinned out.
PIC 3. One of the sprue attachment points on the leading edge of the port wing. There's also a distinct upward warp towards the wing tip.
PIC 4. Another problem. The lower, inner wing section ('old' part) does not match-up with the ('new') upper wing section, with the radiator intake tapering outboard - it should be parallel. This will need packing, and very careful alignment with the nacelle 'new' parts.
So I'm just about ready to do battle with the wings, and hopefully get them all assembled, before tackling the next problem, which is fitting them to the fuselage without gaps, and properly aligned !!