1/48 MPM Heinkel He 177 A5 "Captured Bird", FINISHED :-) !!!

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With all I share the pleasure of following your thread; They are well-deserved prizes. It was worth the effort.
Congratulations Jerry. =D>
Do you already have an idea of the kit that follows?
Saludos cordiales :thumbup:
Thank you all for the kind replies! :blush: I really had a blast with this model, it kind of got my modelling appetite back. The previous build Dorniers kind of wore me and they didn't really get me the desired result I was hoping for. I'm gonna have a second look at them, as I learned quit a bit from building the He-177.
The guys at my club said, I'm back at the game, which honnestly felt good. I'm normally not so much interested in these contests, but as a goal they helped me move forward quiet a bit. And ofcourse winning a prize, well... it's the cherry on top of the cake...no point in denying that! And building the He-177 in 1/48th scale took the fear away of building larger models.

With all I share the pleasure of following your thread; They are well-deserved prizes. It was worth the effort.
Congratulations Jerry. =D>
Do you already have an idea of the kit that follows?
Saludos cordiales :thumbup:

Thanks Luis! I appreciate this a lot. As for the next kit...I'm thinking of giving the old MPM "Hi Tech" Focke Wulf Fw-189 a go. It's not the best kit of the "Flying Eye", but it's what I got. The GWH kit, which is a lot better, is very expensive and hard to find.
Though I'm gonna build the MPM kit without a deadline and try to do some justice to this older offering as otherwise I'll never build it. One of my club mates said he had this kit as well and said I could have it for spare parts, so another motivation to get a shot at it, as it allows me to screw things up... probably gonna need it as the inspection of the parts showed some wrapping.
I'd really want to try a winter sheme on the Fw-189 as I never done that before.

I started the Hobby Boss Ta-152 C-1 last sunday at the our club table at the contest, just to keep me a bit sane :smile2:. These HB kits are a breeze to build.
I'm gonna try MiG's famous hairspray technique on this one to get an idea on how it works and hope to achieve a somewhat faded paint scheme. I recieved an E-mail yesterday, that the "Theme Prize" I won is a voucher for a online model shop, so I probably will buy some of MiG's products to give 'em a shot.

@ Wojtek, I reduced the size of all the last uploaded images by 50%. I think they now load faster. I wasn't aware the originals were that big, my appologies.
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The Captured Grief turned out wonderful! I'm glad that you were able to complete it on time and it is only appropriate that it was recognized at the show as a prize winner. Congratulations!!!!

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