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Senior Airman
Feb 2, 2009
Southern Germany
Late in 2017 I tried my skills on the ESCI-FJ-2. At first I had a good going but desaster struck me around X-Mass. But see how it happened.

The ESCI beast:

I got my hands on a NA-drawing of the FJ-2:

When I compared the drawing with the Esci Kit it became clear that much sweat had to be spent on this project.

There is a good side (tail hook topcs) who shows what you get building it out of box- simply ugly.
Tailhook Topics Drafts: ESCI 1/48th FJ-2/3
Because the Esci blue Fury kit was very britle I used their F86-E kit which is comparable and not so prone to breaking apart. (I believed)
I started sawing and sanding. First the vertical tailplane fin has to be moved foreward.

Next step:

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Very ambitious. Not to say the ESCI kit is accurate but one also needs to be careful with "drawings" found on the net. Not all are accurate either.
Hi Cremia River,
you are awfuly right with your remarks about drawings. Good pics of the real thing are better. The Esci kit definitely is a joke which only can be built with industrial amounts of acrylic cement and putty. But there is no otrher kit of the Fury in quarter scale.
The ECCI- kit was very brittle and after this was all I could get out of it, I threw the fuselage away.

Now I took the good ole Monogram Sabre and started again. This is what I got from this.

I think I made the right choice.

Staying with Revell now I took the slatted wings from their Sabredog. It was tedious to saw the arester-hook and catapult hook compartments but scratchbuilding is for the fearless.

As usual the Marines received the planes which were rejected by the Navy. This means a bare metal finish is the paint of the day. I used Revell Aluminium for the ground color.


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