1/48 P-47D Razorback Tamiya (chain manufacturing)

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011

I spent too much time working on my Macchi C.202 and I didn't have time to participate in GB#43 :oops:
My project had something particular because it was Werner Mölders Bf 109F-1 (with Bf 109E Karman connection between wings and fuselage)... I had moulded the resin parts but finally I decided to build something that I have not in my display case: a P-47D Thunderbolt !!! :p

I think everybody knows the model kit ;)

This time it will be a chain manufacturing ! I'll build three models in the same time. Three P-47D Razorback from 56FG.
A P-47D-5-RE SN42-8461 from 61st FS flown by Robert S. Johnson sometime early 1944 before or after the aircraft noses of the 56FG are repainted with 3 colors, very probably around the 15th of February 1944; I'm not decided yet.
A P-47D-10-RE SN42-75207 from 62nd FS flown by Fred Christensen sometime late 1943 early 1944 (before the aircraft noses of the 56FG are repainted with 3 colors).
A P-47D-11-RE SN42-75510 from 61st FS flown by Francis S. Gabreski early 1944 before or after the aircraft noses are repainted with 3 colors; I'm not decided yet.

Start by the cockpit in Dull Dark Green; a True Details resin cockpit for the D-5 and an Aires cockpit resin for the D-10 and the D-11.
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Should be an interesting trio and I'm sire you'll do a nice job of them. I'll pull up a chair and watch.
I noticed something strange: Johnson's mount is a P-47D-5-RE but if we look at the 2 photos below, we can see the modification on the cowl flaps (normally rectangular on this model)
Before February 1944 (white band) => rectangukar cowl flaps

And after February 1944 (or after to have been repainted in red) => the last two flaps reduced in width (changed or modified)...
Johnson R. S.-61st FS. P-47D 42-8461 HV-P Lucky. With H. Zemke and W. M. Mahurin_1.jpg

Something more strange on the Christensen's mount => a P-47D-10-RE with all rectangular flaps, the last two should be reduced from the D-6 series...
Christensen F. J.-P47D 42-75207 LM-C,  62FS, Boche Buster-Rozzie Geth_2'.jpg

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Thank you for your comments :)
I'm closing the fuselages and I modified the cowl flaps for Christensen's mount. I also cut out a rudder to put a resin part and direct it.

But I think I'm going to have a problem with this build: as we can see on the photo below, it seems that this aircraft was reequiped with the Curtiss Electric assymetrical paddle blade... This propeller is not in the Tamiya kit but is present in an Hasagawa one that I found in my spare box :rolleyes:. On the left on the photo, this is the resin rudder I moulded.
Christensen F. J.-P47D 42-75207 LM-C,  62FS, Boche Buster-Rozzie Geth_3.jpgDSCN4879.JPG

I think I' going to change my project and replaced the Chistensen's mount by the Mahurin's one for this chain manufacturing. I'll build the Christensen's mount with the Hasegawa kit.
Other historic fact, it seems that all the original Curtiss Electric 12" thin blade propellers were replaced by a larger one (paddle blade 13") in 56th FG during December 1943/January 1944 for many if not all P-47Ds of the unit... :oops:

I keep working...
Good work Steph.
Sorting out the different props can be a pain. I have four more P-47s to do (2 razorback, 2 bubbletop) and each need a different prop !
I've made a Hamilton Standard prop using Airfix Mosquito paddle blades, and managed to get another resin HS prop, and also re-profiled a later Curtiss prop to the earlier 'needle tip' type.. I now just have to remember which one goes with each build !

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