Whilst still ruminating, I figured I couldn't do wrong by starting with a coat of flat black enamel as a base coat on all the resin cockpit parts.
Positioning of the tubs for the pilot and gunner are rather loosely defined with no positioning tabs. Only a diagram is provided in the instructions with no dimensions. The suggestion is to do a lot of dry fitting so I started by taping together the fuselage parts, no small feat when no locating pins are provided.
The process revealed a small are where the turtleback mould was short-shot. A fairly simple fix.
Both resin tubs hang from styrene shelves that sit on a moulded ledge but where to locate the opening.....? The shelf slides easily back and forth so can go anywhere. The sketch in the instructions is all I will have to go by.
With the black cured, I sprayed on a thin mix of cockpit grey-green. First a lightened coat was applied on a downward angle s that the black shadow areas more or less remained. The a darker mix was sprayed on in patches to represent a worn look. Finally, I highlighted the high points with yet a more light mixture to reveal a 3 tone finish. I think that this technique has enhanced the beautiful resin parts nicely and that no wash will be necessary to define the details.
Here is the start of the gunner's tub assembly. The wireless equipment in the back is flat black with dry-brushed silver highlights. Much of this will be hidden under the shelf so I didn't fret about getting the details right. The instructions say to line up the back of the side walls with the back of the floor so that's what I did. The sidewall at this point is very lightly attached with 2 dots of CA as I want to make sure that I can manipulated these assemblies some more as they come together. Once I'm satisfied, I'll run more CA along the seams.
The nice little 2 part gunner's seat, painted and chipped using a silver pencil:
Here's the start of the pilot's tub assembly. Beautiful resin details enhanced just a but with stretched sprue rods and knobs added to the throttle box. The rugger pedals got straps made of aluminum tape and the straps are only just painted at this point so are a bit glossy.
That's it for now. As I have read reviews on this kit, I'm now aware that the nose is not quite correctly shaped and that there is a correction set available. However, I've decided to leave things be and live with the kit's warts. Tomorrow will be Mossie day so no fther progress is anticipated til Sunday when I hope to post a further update.
Thanks for following.