1/48 Revell Corsair F4U-4 [Late]

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I was joking about the Plastic Mites lol!!! But yes Revells fault, and a plastic shortage.. luckily its on the underside and behind the wheels.. Damnit!

I think i'll continue with the wings and try to fill it or something, take a challenge.. not sure
I can't speak for Revell in the 'States, but the U.S. branch of Revell in the UK were OK with me on a couple of occasions. I once converted their 1/32nd Phantom F4J into a RAF FG1, and needed the drop tanks, and other parts, that weren't in the kit. Rather than scratch-build them, I contacted Revell UK, asking if it was possible to obtain these parts, which I knew were in a different version of the kit. They sent me a complete sprue, with all of the parts needed, plus whatever else was on the sprue, free of charge!
Apart from that, I would think they'd have to offer replacement parts, as part of the 'fit for use/ marketable quality' laws, a version of which will be in place in the 'States. But, who knows? They might not be responsive I suppose!
Main wing area is ready. Dry fitted it to the main body and it seems about good with exception to some putty.. going to have to fill in these large gaps in the front of the the wings. Sucks that the design forces you to put the wheels so early in the build.. since the wing halves go ontop of eachother the landing gear is inside so its not like the normal build with the little hole to put the landing gear into.


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I seem to remember that this kit was designed to have retracting undercart, hence the way the parts need to be fitted. When I built it about 20 years ago, I modified the gear legs, so that they could be fitted into the bays later.
I also recall having to make extra items for the main gear legs, and replacing the over-scale doors. But the kit seems to be holding up quite well, considering it was first launched in the '60's!
The wheels do retract, so do those little bay doors, but I glued them since I like my bird sitting. I will have the outer wings able to move though, so I can make some different poses for the camera at the end
The wings have made it on.. One side is so unfit that im going to leave it up in the air! I forgot to mention that one of the landing gears snapped when I was putting on that stupid "retract" piece and am struggling to keep the wheel aboard. Lots of CA glue but it broke under its own weight when I put it down. She is now resting with some more glue and im hopeing it doesnt crap out.. If it does might be time to move. If this fails im going to buy another 1/48 corsair but not with those cool little features! If it aint static its panic. Got homework to do then tomorrow spring break begins, B17 anyone?
They have called for it it will come. RIP Lil' Mag, 3/20 - 3/24 8:25 PM. Her wheel snapped off then I went to move the wing and it snapped off too, she was such a fighter, now for a bomber

[It was only $10 and I got good gap filling and sanding practice out of it, will keep it around for practice techniques.. but yeah. B17 coming most likely tomorrow, cockpit time!]
Most likely, its the "moveable" parts and hitches that got me, im not at that level. I struggled with glueing all that and using vegetable oil to make parts able to move (It went everywhere). Also if you saw that plastic shortage shot, what a turn off! It will be used in my Alclad experiments, so when I get to doing the B17 I dont mess up and ruin a huge project. Another corsair is coming roaming, do not weep for there is no defeat!
Of visit and consultation for my Corsair in process, ... what happened with the conclusion of this bird?
Interesting development, is there anything else?
It's been a few years.


Luis Carlos

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