1/48 Revellogram Bf109G-14/AS kitbash Schmittporn

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I really like the FINISHED PRODUCT then how I got there format!I do like the kitbash concept of taking parts from other kits to make a better model or one with the features you want. Got plans to make something from all the removed stuff like less-better-looking prop blades and big tire bulges?

Some more finished product shots would still be nice, there's still time to slide a few more in!
Looks like a superb rendition of one of my favorite late war fighters!
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@kettbo: Thanks for the props on the format. I thought it might make a nice change, and placing the finished model right up front means that the phalanxes of builders out there whose stomachs turn at the thought of ANOTHER 109 can have a quick peek and leave right away. I do actually have plans for the castoff parts, but heading down that road means the law of diminishing returns applies ten-fold as I use up the decent parts. It's kinda funny, cause my projects have left me with tatty boxes stuffed with various and colorful castoffs like half a nose here, a rear fuselage there, mismatched wheel doors, and on and on. Half the fun is sifting through and making a pile of all the bits that 'could' be turned into another 109 someday. And yes, more pics of the finished model shall be forthcoming.

In the meantime...

I did up my own paper masks for the upper camo pattern and made a few photocopies for the 5,647 or so Bf109s I knew I was gonna build before I die.

Battened 'em down with worms of Tamiya tape.

Anchored under the wing so as to keep them a uniform distance from the model's surface where they wrap around the leading and trailing edges:

And shot straight down on them. Or as close to straight down as I could get. My gyros sometimes tend to develop a high-speed wobble...

Anyone spot the impending disaster?

Me neither. Rookie mistake. (Even AFTER I'd cut card stock to PREVENT this from happening! Merde!) That Simon: Nice guy, tries real hard. Kinda stupid.

Instead of being so lazy, I should have hard-masked the control surface hinge breaks.

But overall the wing camo looked good. Hey, maybe I AM getting better at this (said the bishop to the nun)!

Now see what you've done, Harrison? Check out the overspray on the side of that fuselage. (Meh. I still gotta mottle the thing, right?)

That panel in front of the windshield needs to stay grey. And so it shall.

And while you're there, don't get green camo on the cowl. Save that for mottling. Did I mention I HATE masking? It's tedious...

Something to my right must have caught my attention. What the hell is up with that swooping curve just forward of the fuselage band? I know, I'll cover it up with a decal...

And finally...

Voila! Mottled with my Badger double-action fine-tip airbrush. Let's not discuss the colors just yet. Let me bask in the warm glow of a clear-coated, workbench-fresh, sparkling-clean 109 model. (What a below-average photo...)

Here's a better shot:

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Cheers, Lucky13! Love your sig, BTW. Don't suppose it's someone you know?

I'll put up a couple more not-so-good pics. They're the last of the in-progress shots I have. What you'll notice right away is the color shift that happened as a result of my tweaking. It's quite dramatic, I think. And I can't take credit for all of it. Perhaps my camera contributed.

Here she is almost finished:

I had hoped to be able to shoot more photos of this model this weekend. In fact, the plan was for my wife and I to pack a picnic lunch and some delicacies or such and, under the pretext of scouting for photo locations, go for a road trip, meandering round the countryside. However, last night I inadvertently killed my camera so have to get a new one. I did find a used Canon on kijiji and it's on its way but the pics will have to wait, I'm afraid. Sic transit gloria mundi...
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Well... I had promised you lot some better photos of this build and I haven't forgotten about it. However, a couple of mishaps have held me up. And this is kinda funny.

I had 'finished' the build in late May and popped the model in my cabinet, not really all that happy with it. I really liked Claes Sundin's artwork of this subject and wanted my colors to approximate his. I mixed typical Testor's MM RLM stock with other colors I had lying about and when I thought I'd be close I went for it. Anyway, my dark green pulled too blue and my light grey pulled too light and yellow. I hate the colors on this build, which is probably why I didn't notice until yesterday that I hadn't even installed the cockpit armor! I put that in and then back in the case the model went while I set up to photograph my 109E. While taking the 109E out of the cage, its wing caught on the antenna wire for this 109G and pulled the Erla haube off. Of course...

I'll fix it and get back to you.
Dude, it's just brutal! How on earth does this happen? All I can do is laugh at myself...
Thanks, gents. It's nice to get feedback, and considering I usually work in a bubble it's good to have the contact.

I'd promised more photos, and while I didn't get the required 6-view spread I did get some eye candy to post. One thing: I'd set out to model a G-14A/S but the model as it sits has two glaring inaccuracies. 1) the filler port forward of the starter-crank handle should have been filled, as the G-14A/S didn't have one there. I added the crank handle to distract those in the know. 2) the oil filler hatch above the scoop on the port side of the nose should have been moved lower, as you'd see on a standard G-6. Otherwise, she's all right. Not one of my better builds, but I wasn't in love with my subject and that shows. Still, beats a kick in the head with a frozen mukluk! And now I know how to kitbash a G-14 for next time - I'm already working on the next one.

On with the show! Did some repairs last night after pulling the Erla haube off by accident in a fit of excitement to get my 109E-3 out into the daylight to take pics of it. "Never thinking of where he is; what he is doing," says Yoda...

Hang on... Photobucket is confused right now. Argh!


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Finally got 'em up! (As my neighbor's wife said to the utilities repairman.)
"Better late than never" ... "más vale tarde que nunca" (So we say in Mexico) ... great photos

Here became a beautiful plane

Applause and congrats.

Funny you should say that, old boy, because I thought of how a smart feller might have done it...


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