1/48 SANGER Mitsubishi Ki-67 Vac...It BEGINS!

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According to the site ken_arnold_1919 's Home Page Lt. Shuho Kurita was a ferry pilot of the Army Air Transportation Command, Tachikawa Sub Department. His duty was to ferry airplane to the far flung outposts of the Japanese Empire. Also he evacuated command staff officers using the Ki-67. So, it seems that the plane was used as a communication/ transport aircraft than the bomber rather. In other words it was the Army Air Transportation Command, Tachikawa Sub Department plane and it may even be it wasn't of any fighting squadron.
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I got a bit more work done, but it's very time consuming.
I strengthened the wings and glued them together after I made some corrections to the wheel wells.
So far the wing joint seams possible under the correct angle, though it will be a lot of work.
I now tunred my focus back on the interior. Bumping from one problem into another. after findig some more info and drawings of the cockpit, I decided to partly rebuild it.

Excellent !!! This is the proper way to keep the correct dihedral of the wing and the inflexibility of the wing halves. :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright:
Well, this is the result of a days work...I have a stiff neck, but quiet happy with what I achieved. Kit remains a dog:evil: and I ask myself repaetedly why I even started this kit. But now I've come this far, I guess I have to hang in.
So after the wings, I turned my attention towards the half finished fuselage. I wasn't happy with what I made so far, so I ripped most of it back out and started over (mainly because I knew I could do a better job)
So, new W/O station and pilot and co-pilot seats, fuell cells and a way to give the turret some suport. I know the turret base is not accurate, but it will keep the turret from sinking into the fuselage and provide a steady base for the whole item.
And I found a pic of the Eduard Zoom set for the 1/72nd Hasegawa kit and enlarged it to 1/48 to use as a base for the Ki-67 dashboard.
Next will be the turret and the cunstruction of an extra full cell (which sits directly aft of the turret)




And my trusty Aztek Az 470 airbrush decided to start acting up after + 10 years of service, but thanks to a rather helpfull post on another forum, I found I could take it apart and fix it. Works a new again :D (hence the paint splatter on the fuell cells)
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First impressions of the scratch build turret using Eduard's 1/72nd guide for the Hasegawa kit and some drawings from the Maru Mechanic.
Luckely this is a rather big turret, so I was able to reproduce everything with various sizes of plastic card. The turret is not ready yet, as I need to add a few more details. Though, does anybody know where to find a decent 12.7mm Japanese gun? I guess these were a variation on the Browning gun. So can I use USAAF guns for the turret, nose and tail?
I'm gonna use some Aires MG 15's for the side guns as these look very much alike the Japanese guns used in that position.
The MG's that came with the kit are euhm...not what I want to use...

Let me know what you think of my effort so far.

OO - Good job on this beastie so far. I am in a similar battle with a Combat Models 1/48 scale Mercator (P4M), some of which I've started documenting on our modeling club website (hamptonroadsscalemodelers.com) Labor of love, these are... plus, it flexes the ol' modeling skills and expands one's horizons, I expect.

If you can get one, the Koster Aero 1/48 Nell is a gem to work with (would be a nice break from the Peggy once done!) Also, Bill sells most of his decal sheets separately so it might be possible to pick up a Nell sheet to help with the Peggy.

Looking forward to your progress - and thanks for leading the way!
Regards, Robert
OO - Good job on this beastie so far. I am in a similar battle with a Combat Models 1/48 scale Mercator (P4M), some of which I've started documenting on our modeling club website (hamptonroadsscalemodelers.com) Labor of love, these are... plus, it flexes the ol' modeling skills and expands one's horizons, I expect.

If you can get one, the Koster Aero 1/48 Nell is a gem to work with (would be a nice break from the Peggy once done!) Also, Bill sells most of his decal sheets separately so it might be possible to pick up a Nell sheet to help with the Peggy.

Looking forward to your progress - and thanks for leading the way!
Regards, Robert

Super!! Hmmm, from the looks if it you got more guts then I! I binned my Combat Models He 177 a few years ago as it was the worse kit I ever encountered.
I'd sure would like to get my hands on a Koster 1/48 Nell (G3M) kit. I love his work. His Do 217 conversions and Fw 200 kit are just superb...
And he makes the tiniest photo etch I've ever seen.

As for the Peggy, work progresses as slow pace. I hope to get the interiour done by the end of the month so I can close the fuselage and start adding wings and tailplaines. My goal is to get the Pegy done by the end of the year.
From the looks of things, it's starting to look like a plane. Well done so far. Look forward to seeing the finished model.

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