1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vc – Mediterranean Theatre of Operations

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Great stuff Vic! I know Terry already mentioned there being a Seafire made from this kit, but I actually own it. Haven't touched it yet however, but I'll be using your builds as a guide for when I do.
Great stuff Wojtek, and that is definitely the 'desert scheme' on the Spit in the last pic. It was taken with a yellow filter too - look at the Sergeant's stripes, and the officer's bars on the epaulettes and also the rank pennant on the aircraft. The blue, grey-blue, and white have been darkened by the filter.
THX. :)
You are right Terry. I have omitted the detail I mean the Sergeant's stripes and other rank insignias. I made a foucus on the markings applied on the aircraft only. So.. there is no doubt the image was taken using of the yellow filter.
First up a very big and sincere thanks' to Wojtek and Terry for the excellent information and input re the model camo colouring, it really is very much appreciated.

A big thanks also to everyone else for their kind words, comments and input.

So for the latest update.

Despite being dragged a way for the last couple days doing family things, I have managed to get the top camo coat on, the dark earth this morning which almost got brought to a halt due to the heat drying paint in the spray nozzle. I had to keep the brush continually spraying to prevent major blockages. Were all set now for a bit of last minute touch-up and work, then it will be decaling.

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That's looking the biz, Vic. One minor point - in the last pic, the crow bar on the cockpit flap looks like it's red. This was a post war colour for emergency equipment, in WW2, the tool was either the cockpit grey green colour, or left in bare steel.
Paint job looks good Vic! Can I ask you specifics about the colors used? I am unfamiliar with RAF desert schemes and need to start considering my desert Typhoon paint job. Mine is described as Dark Earth and Mid Stone over Azure Blue. Is this the same as your Spit and what paints did you use for these colors?
Thanks gents.

That's looking the biz, Vic. One minor point - in the last pic, the crow bar on the cockpit flap looks like it's red. This was a post war colour for emergency equipment, in WW2, the tool was either the cockpit grey green colour, or left in bare steel.

Yes Terry I agree re the crowbar on the door flap, it is my intention to have it as bare metal, a detail point during the final build stages.

Paint job looks good Vic! Can I ask you specifics about the colors used? I am unfamiliar with RAF desert schemes and need to start considering my desert Typhoon paint job. Mine is described as Dark Earth and Mid Stone over Azure Blue. Is this the same as your Spit and what paints did you use for these colors?

The colours used John are all Model Master: 2048 Azure Blue, 2052 Middle Stone and 2054 Dark Earth, for the cockpit I reverted to Humbrol 78 Interior Grey Green. I did initially use Humbrol 157 for the Azure but when applied it came out very dark, almost like the PR Blue.
Despite being dragged a way for the last couple days doing family things, I have managed to get the top camo coat on, the dark earth this morning which almost got brought to a halt due to the heat drying paint in the spray nozzle. I had to keep the brush continually spraying to prevent major blockages. Were all set now for a bit of last minute touch-up and work, then it will be decaling.

All is looking good Vic!I had some the same issue with mine it was Military Brown from MM enamels and was finicky as you know what to lay down maybe something with brown pigments :dontknow:
There I was, beavering away adding the final touches when I suddenly realised………………………..............................................…no decals.


20141217 1.jpg

20141217 2.jpg

Oh well, there's always tomorrow………………………….

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