1/48 Tamiya P-51B Lt. William Hovde 358th FG

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 14, 2011
Wichita,Kansas USA
1/48 Tamiya P-51B Lt. William Hovde 358th FG purchased the kit today and here is where I am as of tonight . One of the easiest kits to build so quick

Cheers Brian
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Heck, that was quick - but looks good.
For future reference, the Tamiya kit (and the ICM version) have the curved upper wing surface as the cockpit floor, as per the P51-A etc.
There should be a wooden floor, with a 'cut out' around the control column, easily added from plastic card if you build another example.

Thanks for the heads up. I usually don't worry about that. I just build cause I like aircraft and building models
Lots done today . Various parts painted and weather. Montex Canopy masked in stalled . Time to paint the canopies and get some paint on her. Stay tuned my friends
You are a modeling machine, Brian! The Mustang looks great so far and I'm looking forward to seeing the markings on this one.

Nice work

I've used Montex masks on one previous build and they were on for quite a while and worked great. Got them for my current Corsair build so hope I have the same experience!

I've also had issues with Montex canopy masks. Corners would lift off of curved panels due to lack of adhesion. Flat panels were no problem.
Model pre shaded with Tamiya Black . Then painted with Tamiya Neutral gray, a little white added and some post shading. Now to paint olive drab , white nose and white stripes

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