1/48 Typhoon IB MN413, 440 RCAF - Heavy Hitters II GB

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No worries mate, whichever road you take it'll turn out sweet I reckon.

btw, am I looking for codes for MN413 or MN553 (or both?)

Just the 553 if possible Evan, I have the MNs as well as 1s and 3s in the kit sheet, so if I end up doing MN413 (unlikely), I'll be ok for that. I could also do as Terry suggested and print some, so if you can't find any that is perfectly fine!

Excellent, thanks for the input Terry, glad I'm on the right track.

As it turns out I'll need to go another route other than an IL-2 skin because of the way the spinner is set up on the skins.
Or serial number decals from Hannant's.
Last lot I got were 'Tally Ho', but they've stopped production, although there should be alternatives. That said, I found I got silvering with the TH decals, even when using Micro Sol and lots of care and patience, plus aligning individual letters and numbers is a pain. I now print my own most of the time, as a complete serial - much easier.
Thanks for looking Evan.

Yeah, I may have to order some. Xtradecal does some actually, not sure how good they are. The one decal sheet of theirs I used was good though, on my RCAF Mustang. I'll likely go with option two though, and print one since I'll be doing it anyway.
I have, and have used, a lot of various 'Xtradecal' sheets Cory. They're made by 'Microscale', and most are from their original range, as Hannant's have them produced for them - very rarely had a problem with them.
A lot of input and work going into this build, good to see. For my contribution I have another source that shows MN553 'K' flown by F/O E.J> Allen was 'Engaged by flak near le Pont de Vere (RAF Fighter Command Losses of WWII – Norman L R Franks – Pg 81).
from Typhoon, the combat history.

MN553 439 Sqn, shot down by flack near le pont de vers calvados 12.8.44

says nothing about MN413 other than sqns it served with 438/440/1184 ?

will look through my other books for more on MN553 tomorrow
Cory, try simmerspaintshop.com. I downloaded all my RAF and RCAF fonts from there. I'm still in camp, so if you are changing squadrons, I'll look through my books when I get home on Wednesday. 440 Sqn seemed to have the least photos.


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