**** DONE: 1/48 hawker typhoon IB early - Heavy Hitters II GB

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jan 12, 2010
User name: destrozas
name: sergio
category: intermeadite
kit: hasegawa Jt59 typhoon MK.IB car door early
scale: 1/48
accesories: decals techmod 48044 and scracth details in the cockpit.

kit image:


this will make the model has EJ906, of 451 Squadron, in the field of aviation "El daba" Egypt in September 1943


more pics in ADF-Serials Image Gallery :: 451 Squadron Hawker Typhoon

some history I found on the internet I could not even compare'm waiting to see if I find some books dealing with the subject in the meantime I have this:
the 451 squadron being sent to the Middle East was equipped with the typhoon, hurricane leaving MKIIb, Was being tested to check the operation of the airplane in the desert, did not go into action with them, Was only from January to October 1943 the first model arrived in early February (R8841), and the second model was finished in June 1943 riding (EJ906), there was a third device the (DN323), the latter was not used because it was shown in tests was suffering on the engine was producing unexpected heating a large loss of power, in addition to the filters and radiators were suffering in too.

so that I could find I even have come Techmod decals to know the colors were but I could find was second light earth, dark earth to the botton surfaces and the lower surfaces azure
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.... but I could find was second light earth, dark earth to the botton surfaces and the lower surfaces azure

I have never heard about the Light Earth colour for the RAF desert camo scheme. I guess you mean the FS30266 sand Mid(dle) Stone paint.


To be honest any Humbrol enamel can be the Mid Stone equivalent. The Hu84 is the closest one that could be used.....

And a few shots of the 451 Sqdn Typhoons ...

Typhoon Mk.Ib, DN323/Y, El Daba, Egypt, 1943.

Typhoon Mk.IB, DN323, El Daba, Oct 1943,


Hawker Typhoon Mk.Ib Beating up a 451 Sqn Hurricane, El Daba, 1943


the pic source ... ADF Serials - Typhoon
And here other Typhoons used for the desert trials... the pic source like above.

Typhoon Mk.Ib R8891, 451 Sqn RAAF, 1943

..... El Daba, 1943

Typhoon Mk.Ib EJ906, El Daba, 1943

Typhoon (possibly) EJ906 451 Sqn RAAF 1943
Did this kite many years ago and it ranks up there with my favourites.

It is a mold with his years already but it is very good, it's a great pleasure to ride, this to me is even more special two years ago my good friend xavi of cerdanyola (town near Barcelona), gave it to me for my birthday at a surprise meeting who organized some friends with my wife.
Wow, that one photo show some pretty excessive exhaust staining which I hope will be faithfully replicated. :twisted:


Fume That is one thing that gives me a lot about the truth is very simple go and spoil all the work, so we'll see how it goes the truth.
if it is true that in light earth, it's weird, that's what he put into where it got the information, I found it strange, because as you say the desert was dark camu middle earth and stone, which are the colors that I have Gunze of the British in WWII, he wrote it without thinking, while I DOWNLOAD the color tables from Color Reference Charts -  United Kingdom and I determined not look, because as I say at # 1 post until we have the decals that tell me the colors will not hold anything outside.

That if I have to say thank you friend is a very good information you give, to complement a little, gunze mr C21 color is almost identical to H84 of humbrol, but the one I like is the gunze mr hobby h71 which is a little more dark at first but in order to do the scaling of color to the depth of it is better I think.
and finally thanks to all for your support I hope this ends in good port and not disappoint .....

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